تبحث هذه الدراسة في فعالية الأشعة فوق البنفسجية في تطهير الهواء المتدفق عبر مجاري التهوية إلى كل من غرف العمليات و العناية المشددة, إِِذ صممت منصة تجربة ثبت من خلالها ثلاثة مصابيح أشعة فوق بنفسجية في المنطقة العلوية من مجرى تهوية مزود بمروحة ذات معدل ضخ متغير يحاكي معدلات تدفق كل من غرف العمليات و العناية المشددة, لتحديد زمن تعرض الكائنات المجهرية للأشعة, ثم قِيس توزع كثافة الأشعة عند عدة مستويات ضمن المجرى, ثم ربطت هذه العوامل مع بعضها بعضاً عبر برنامج حاسوبي نُفِّذَ بواسطة بيئة LABVIEW البرمجية بهدف تحديد فعالية تطهير الهواء المتدفق إلى غرف العناية المشددة و العمليات اعتماداً على المتطلبات التصميمية و مستوى العقامة.
This study discusses in-duct UVGI efficiency to disinfect O.R and ICU supplied air. Experiment
setup was designed using three ultraviolet lamps were placed at the upper side of experimental duct,
equipped with variable speed turbine to simulate flow rates of ICU and O.R. In order to determine
organism irradiance time, UV intensity distribution is measured at different levels in duct, Thenthese
parameters combined in simulation program executed under LABVIEW programming environment to
determine in-duct disinfection efficiency in relation to ICU and O.R designing requirement and sterility
References used
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The study was conducted during 2017 in the laboratories of the department of Botany
at Tishreen University, Lattakia, Syria. The effect of ultraviolet radiation (UV-C and UVB)
for different periods (0.5, 1, 3, 5, 15, 15, 30, 45, 60 minutes) on the
This study includes an experimental work to determine the effect of ultraviolet radiation (uv-rays) on the mechanical behavior of the conveyor rubber vulcanizing, which used in various transport operations, and in the cement plant Tartus. In this wor
Due to the high importance of designing operating rooms (especially the air conditioning parameters), many studies, researches and international codes were achieved in order to
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Young sun flower plants were exposed to ultraviolet radiation of the type UV-B (295
nm) for 3 days (2 hours per day) with or without excluding the UV-radiations using
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Aim of the study: To study the effectiveness of using dental operating microscope
and ultrasonics with Hedstrom files in removing gutta-percha and sealer from root canals.
Materials and Methods: Twenty single straight rooted, extracted human mandib