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Balancing Humanoid Model By Using GA- Optimized PID Control Technique

موازنة نموذج جسم الإنسان باستخدام تقنية تحكم معتمد على متحكم PID ضبطت بارامتراته عن طريق الخوارزمية الجينية

1697   1   83   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2011
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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The goal of this study is to model human body correctly, according to the principles and the standards used to calculate the humanoid parameters. The model is built by using VN software and then it was implemented in Matlab Simulink, in order to build a control system for simulating the humanoid balance during standing. Precise and robust balance was reached by using PID controller with parameters optimized by using genetic algorithm (GA). The control performance was tested by applying external disturbance to the humanoid, the results show that the humanoid can retrieve its balance effectively.

Artificial intelligence review:
Research summary
تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى نمذجة ومحاكاة توازن جسم الإنسان باستخدام برنامج Visual Nastran وربطه ببرنامج Matlab لتحقيق نظام تحكم يعتمد على متحكم PID، حيث تم ضبط بارامتراته باستخدام الخوارزمية الجينية. تم بناء نموذج ثلاثي الأبعاد لجسم الإنسان ببرنامج Visual Nastran، وتمت محاكاته في بيئة Matlab/Simulink. تم اختبار توازن النموذج بإضافة مؤثر خارجي، وأظهرت النتائج أن النموذج حافظ على توازنه. استخدمت الخوارزمية الجينية لضبط بارامترات المتحكم PID، مما أدى إلى تحسين دقة التوازن. تم اختبار النموذج في ظروف مختلفة، وأظهرت النتائج فعالية النظام في الحفاظ على التوازن. تشير الدراسة إلى إمكانية استخدام هذه التقنية في تطوير أجهزة مساعدة للأشخاص ذوي الإعاقة.
Critical review
تعتبر هذه الدراسة خطوة مهمة في مجال التحكم بنماذج جسم الإنسان، إلا أن هناك بعض النقاط التي يمكن تحسينها. أولاً، لم يتم التطرق بشكل كافٍ إلى تأثير العوامل البيئية المختلفة على توازن النموذج، مثل الرياح أو الأسطح غير المستوية. ثانياً، قد يكون من المفيد توسيع نطاق الدراسة ليشمل نماذج أكثر تعقيداً تتضمن العضلات والمفاصل الأخرى. ثالثاً، الزمن الطويل الذي تتطلبه الخوارزمية الجينية لضبط البارامترات يمكن أن يكون عائقاً في التطبيقات العملية، لذا قد يكون من المفيد استكشاف تقنيات أخرى لضبط البارامترات بشكل أسرع.
Questions related to the research
  1. ما الهدف الرئيسي من هذه الدراسة؟

    الهدف الرئيسي هو نمذجة ومحاكاة توازن جسم الإنسان باستخدام متحكم PID تم ضبط بارامتراته باستخدام الخوارزمية الجينية.

  2. ما هي البرامج المستخدمة في هذه الدراسة؟

    تم استخدام برنامج Visual Nastran لنمذجة جسم الإنسان وبرنامج Matlab/Simulink لمحاكاة والتحكم بالنموذج.

  3. كيف تم اختبار توازن النموذج؟

    تم اختبار توازن النموذج بإضافة مؤثر خارجي على شكل قوة، وأظهرت النتائج أن النموذج حافظ على توازنه.

  4. ما هي الفائدة المحتملة من هذه الدراسة؟

    يمكن استخدام النتائج في تطوير أجهزة مساعدة للأشخاص ذوي الإعاقة، مثل الهياكل الخارجية وأجهزة إعادة التأهيل.

References used
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Chaffin, Don. B, "Development of computerized human static strength simulation model for job design", Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing , Vol.7(4),PP.305-322, 1997
rate research

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Abstract In this paper, three different muscle models have been investigated. The first model (Ferrarin’s muscle model) is a transfer function between electrical stimulation and the resultant knee torque. The other two muscle models are physiologic al based (Riener’s muscle model and Virtual Muscle). Riener’s muscle is modelled in this paper by using Matlab/Simulink, while Virtual Muscle model has been built using Virtual Muscle software (Virtual Muscle 4.0.1). A quadriceps is modelled using each of the three models. The three models are tested in terms of their responses to activation and then they are implemented in a fuzzy logic control (FLC) strategy which aims to control the cycling cadence. The performance of the three models during control has been discussed and evaluated. It appears that the type of the muscle model has an influence on the control performance.
This paper presents a strategy of variable speed wind turbine connected to a permanent magnet synchronous generator; the goal is to get the most possible wind turbines. We used a wind energy conversion system model consisting of a wind turbine, perma nent magnet synchronous generator, rectifier, buck-boost chopper, inverter, load, and traditional controller PI to stabilize the voltage obtained from the wind turbine and synchronous generator at a variable wind speed. Then we used one of the artificial intelligence techniques represented by the genetic algorithm to get the maximum possible wind turbine. The traditional controller PI and the genetic algorithm we modeled using the Matlab R2014a program and from it we obtained the advantages of mechanical power for wind turbine and determined maximum power points at each wind speed.
Nowadays, wireless networks are spreading more and more. The majority of installed networks have become wireless due to the simplicity of installation; where they do not need an infrastructure. This does not mean that the role of the wired networks i s being eliminated. Instead, the wireless networks are considered as a complementary of the wired networks. With all types of networks from personal and local area networks (PAN and LAN) to wide area networks (WAN) especially the Internet, research has become oriented to focus on the quality of service (QoS) and the integration among all these networks taking into account the Internet which is considered as the backbone for each network that wants to exchange the information with any other network all over the world. In our research, we take into account the quality of service in the broadband networks such as the WiMax network (Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access) with IEEE 802.16e standard which covers cities and supports the mobility. This network can be used to interconnect the rural zones with the center of cities, this kind is called point-to-point, or it can be used to cover the cities and is called point-tomultipoint, The last one is used to interconnect different wireless networks especially the local one which has infrastructure (Wi-fi: Wireless Fidelity) and networks which have many users and called hotspots. However, the cells of Wi Max in the cities are called hotzones. We propose a system model that performs the load balancing process between the base stations of WiMax network. This means, the proposed load balancing algorithm exchanges the terminals between the adjacent base stations in order to make the throughput in each base station equals to the throughput in the others. This will improve the performance of the overall network and increase the available bandwidth for each terminal; in addition, this will increase the number of terminals which can be served. On one side, these advantages return to the subscribers, they also return to the operator on the other side, not to mention the good renown that the operator will get from subscribers that will make more subscribers join to this network. The proposed load balancing system can be centralized; implemented in a centralized server connected to all base stations or distributed system implemented in each base station. The load balancing algorithm which consists of several steps is placed in a controller that achieves it. The load balancing process and the handover procedure have to be fast enough in order to prevent the adverse effect on the quality of service especially for the real-time applications users.
The principal objective of this research is an adoption of the Genetic Algorithm (GA) for studying it firstly, and to stop over the operations which are introduced from the genetic algorithm.The candidate field for applying the operations of the g enetic algorithm is the sound data compression field. This research uses the operations of the genetic algorithm for the enhancement of the performance of one of the popular compression method. Vector Quantization (VQ) method is selected in this work. After studying this method, new proposed algorithm for mixing the (GA) with this method was constructed and then the required programs for testing this algorithm was written. A good enhancement was recorded for the performance of the (VQ) method when mixed with the (GA). The proposed algorithm was tested by applying it on some sound data files. Some fidelity measures are calculated to evaluate the performance of the new proposed algorithm.
This paper presents one of the most accurate, stable and fast to response advanced control system (PROPORTIONAL INTEGRAL DIFFERENTIAL CONTROL SYSTEM), which considered one of the special cases of closed loop control systems. Also, display and compare different forms of control and response of sub modes of PID controller, through using programmable logical controller and programmed it to be (PID) controller, and take advantage of this system for accurate control of the three phase motor speed. In addition, the PLC program is been connected to monitoring and collecting data software, known by acronym (SCADA) for calibration of (PID) and use this software to display the result of the responses for the different types of the controller PID in the form of graphic curves. These response curves show accuracy and fast to response that make this application an integrated system that could be form the infrastructure of many practical applications like large cranes, overlapping product lines and different other applications and the use of PLC systems make them high quality and high reliability systems.
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