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Analytical and empirical study of the energy lost to alpha radiation infunction atomic number Z of the target

دراسة تحليلية و تجريبية للطاقة الضائعة لأشعة ألفا بتابعية العدد الذري Z للهدف

1163   1   16   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2013
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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In this work, we recorded the alpha spectra of radium-226 and amrecium-241 sources using a semiconductor detector and Rutherford scattering chamber. We also measured the energy loss of alpha particles in gold foil (target) and in aluminum foil as a function of alpha energy and as a function atomic number Z of the target. Comparison between experimental and theoretical results show a good agreemen.

References used
(L. C. Northcliffe and R. F. Schilling, Nuclear Data Tables, A7, 233 (1970
(D. J. Skyrme, Nucl. Instrum.Methods, 57, 61 (1967
(S. Matteson, E. K. L. Chau and D. Powers, Phys. Rev., A14, 169 (1976
rate research

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In this work, it has been recording the alpha particles emitted from an Amerecium-241 source, and scattered by a gold and Aluminum thin foils as a function of the scattering angle q (0o-30o), using a semiconductor detector and Rutherford scattering c hamber. It always has been measuring the differential cross section resulting from this scattering, and experimentally determining the atomic number of Gold and Aluminum. Comparison between experimental and theoretical results shows a good agreement.
In this work, we have used the basic techniques for measuring gamma rays. It is based on the use of a sodium iodide (NaI) detector withthallium activated (Tl). We have obtained:  The detector calibration NaI(Tl) and the resolution of the spectrom eter.  Measuring and determining the activity of a source can be doneby using the relative, and the absolute method. The results obtained show bythe Comparison between the experimental and the theoretical(of the sources activities)a good agreement, and the best values obtained by the absolute method.
Slabs are considered one of the most exposed elements to disasters and deformities that can be clear to the viewer. These deformities are reflected as sign of defects that appear clearly on big slabs. So, here comes the importance of applying and d esigning accurate slabs. The purpose of this research is stating the need for persistent efforts to get a better form of the slabs in order to increase their ability to be able to carry any outside extra weights without the appearance of any deformities that might take place during the period of investing the building. When deformities happen, they have bad effect on the beauty and main function (purpose) of the building. This research includes an experimental study for the real applicable slabs under our supervision, in addition to a theoretical study about the deflection appearing on the slabs by taking into consideration the plastic specifications of the concrete and the formation of cracks. This research aims at constructing reflexive deflections in the slabs during the construction period and measuring the actual deformities and watching them through a period of time, then comparing them with the theoretical expected deformities. The findings that we could get at the end of our research are supposed to play a main role in choosing the best design for the mandate slabs and at the same time getting the best value for the reflexive deflection that can be used in the slab to make it better functionally and to increase its ability to resist the outside applied weights. We hope this is just a start for more research in this field.
CdTe Thin films were deposited on glass substrates by thermal evaporation method. The geometric thickness was calculated using interferometric method based on reflectance curve recorded with the spectrophotometer. The XRD analysis and optical char acterizations of CdTe films with different optical thicknesses reveals that the structure of the films is polycrystalline with preferential orientation (111). The structure constant (a), crystallite size (D), dislocation density (δ) and strain (ε) were calculated, and it is observed that the crystallite size increases but micro-strain and dislocation density decreases with increases in thin film thickness. The overall absorbance has been increased with the film thickness and the direct band gap was obtained. It decreases with the increase in the thickness of the films.
Continuous calculations of evapotranspiration (LE) using eddy covariance method and energy budget were performed over more than one year above the heterogeneous canopy of an arid oasis ecosystem in the central Syrian desert. Irrigation practice wa s traditional flooding with a 28 days turn of water delivery. The work focuses on seasonal variations of energy budget over a 2 years period with emphasis on effects of rainfall, wind speed and radiative budget on evapotranspiration. Maximum evapotranspiration was only 5mm/day. Even under irrigation practices, winter rainfall seems to have an important impact on LE: comparisons of two situations in June 2002 and June 2003 showed an increase of 13% in values of LE/Rn-G. Maximum averaged hourly values of evapotranspiration were found for wind speed values closed to 3m/s. This suggests that when the evaporative demand from the air (or vapour pressure deficit (vpd) ) is increasing above a certain limit, the vegetation closes its stomata and reduces transpiration. Results from the energy balance closure showed significant differences in the slope of H+LE against Rn-G relationships between cold and hot month which was explained by specific radiative budget of desert areas.
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