الكيانات المتعلقة بالأحداث والأحداث في النص هي مكون رئيسي لفهم اللغة الطبيعية.دقة Coreference Coreference، على وجه الخصوص، أمر مهم بالنسبة للمصلحة المتزايدة بمهام تحليل المستندات متعددة الوثائق.في هذا العمل، نقترح نموذجا جديدا يمتد نموذج التنبؤ المتسلسل الفعال لتحليل Corefery لإعدادات تبادل المستندات وتحقق نتائج تنافسية لكلا كلا كلا كائن الكيان والحدث مع توفير أدلة قوية على فعالية كل من النماذج المتسلسلة والاستدلال المرتفعإعدادات الوثيقة عبر المستندات.يتطلب نموذجنا بشكل تدريجي يذكر في تمثيل الكتلة ويتوقع الروابط بين الإشارة والمجموعات التي تم إنشاؤها بالفعل، تقريب نموذج أعلى للترتيب.بالإضافة إلى ذلك، نقوم بإجراء دراسات بديلة الأزمة التي توفر رؤى جديدة في أهمية مختلف المدخلات وأنواع التمثيل في Courceer.
Relating entities and events in text is a key component of natural language understanding. Cross-document coreference resolution, in particular, is important for the growing interest in multi-document analysis tasks. In this work we propose a new model that extends the efficient sequential prediction paradigm for coreference resolution to cross-document settings and achieves competitive results for both entity and event coreference while providing strong evidence of the efficacy of both sequential models and higher-order inference in cross-document settings. Our model incrementally composes mentions into cluster representations and predicts links between a mention and the already constructed clusters, approximating a higher-order model. In addition, we conduct extensive ablation studies that provide new insights into the importance of various inputs and representation types in coreference.
References used
Cross-document event coreference resolution is a foundational task for NLP applications involving multi-text processing. However, existing corpora for this task are scarce and relatively small, while annotating only modest-size clusters of documents
We point out that common evaluation practices for cross-document coreference resolution have been unrealistically permissive in their assumed settings, yielding inflated results. We propose addressing this issue via two evaluation methodology princip
In this paper, we present coreference resolution experiments with a newly created multilingual corpus CorefUD (Nedoluzhko et al.,2021). We focus on the following languages: Czech, Russian, Polish, German, Spanish, and Catalan. In addition to monoling
Coreference resolution is an important compo-nent in analyzing narrative text from admin-istrative data (e.g., clinical or police sources).However, existing coreference models trainedon general language corpora suffer from poortransferability due to
Recent work on entity coreference resolution (CR) follows current trends in Deep Learning applied to embeddings and relatively simple task-related features. SOTA models do not make use of hierarchical representations of discourse structure. In this w