اجتذبت تحليل المعنويات الفئة في الآراء اهتمام الأبحاث المتزايد.تستخدم الأساليب المهيمنة نماذج لغة مدربة مسبقا عن طريق تعلم تمثيلات فعالة من الفئة من الفئة، وإضافة طبقات إخراج محددة إلى تمثيلها المدرب مسبقا.نحن نعتبر طريقة أكثر مباشرة لاستخدام نماذج اللغة المدربة مسبقا، من خلال إلقاء مهام ACSA في مهام توليد اللغة الطبيعية، باستخدام جمل اللغة الطبيعية لتمثيل الإخراج.تتيح لطريقتنا استخدام المزيد من الاستخدام المباشر للمعرفة المدربة مسبقا في طرازات اللغة SEQ2SEQ من خلال إعداد المهام مباشرة أثناء التدريب المسبق.تشير التجارب في العديد من المعايير إلى أن طريقتنا تمنح أفضل النتائج المبلغ عنها، حيث توجد مزايا كبيرة في إعدادات قليلة وإعدادات طلقة صفرية.
Aspect category sentiment analysis has attracted increasing research attention. The dominant methods make use of pre-trained language models by learning effective aspect category-specific representations, and adding specific output layers to its pre-trained representation. We consider a more direct way of making use of pre-trained language models, by casting the ACSA tasks into natural language generation tasks, using natural language sentences to represent the output. Our method allows more direct use of pre-trained knowledge in seq2seq language models by directly following the task setting during pre-training. Experiments on several benchmarks show that our method gives the best reported results, having large advantages in few-shot and zero-shot settings.
References used
Aspect Category Sentiment Analysis (ACSA), which aims to identify fine-grained sentiment polarities of the aspect categories discussed in user reviews. ACSA is challenging and costly when conducting it into real-world applications, that mainly due to
Sentiment analysis has attracted increasing attention in e-commerce. The sentiment polarities underlying user reviews are of great value for business intelligence. Aspect category sentiment analysis (ACSA) and review rating prediction (RP) are two es
In this paper, we investigate the Aspect Category Sentiment Analysis (ACSA) task from a novel perspective by exploring a Beta Distribution guided aspect-aware graph construction based on external knowledge. That is, we are no longer entangled about h
Aspect-based sentiment analysis (ABSA) typically focuses on extracting aspects and predicting their sentiments on individual sentences such as customer reviews. Recently, another kind of opinion sharing platform, namely question answering (QA) forum,
Sentiment analysis aims to detect the overall sentiment, i.e., the polarity of a sentence, paragraph, or text span, without considering the entities mentioned and their aspects. Aspect-based sentiment analysis aims to extract the aspects of the given