تحديد ما إذا كان هناك مستندان مؤلفان من المؤلف نفسه، المعروف أيضا باسم التحقق من التأليف، تم تناوله تقليديا باستخدام الأساليب الإحصائية. في الآونة الأخيرة، تم العثور على تمثيلات التأليف المستفادة باستخدام الشبكات العصبية لتفوق البدائل، لا سيما في الإعدادات الكبيرة التي تنطوي على مئات الآلاف من المؤلفين. ولكن هل تعلمت هذه التمثيلات في نقل مجال معين إلى مجالات أخرى؟ أو هل هذه تمثيلات متشابكة بطبيعتها مع ميزات خاصة بالمجال؟ لدراسة هذه الأسئلة، نقوم بإجراء أول دراسة واسعة النطاق لنقل المجال المتبادل للتحقق من التأليف بالنظر إلى التحويلات الصفرية التي تنطوي على ثلاثة مجالات متباينة: مراجعات الأمازون وقصص قصيرة الصوفية والتعليقات Reddit. نجد أنه على الرغم من أن درجة التنقل مفاجأة ممكنة بين مجالات معينة، إلا أنها ليست ناجحة بين الآخرين. نحن ندرس خصائص هذه المجالات التي تؤثر على التعميم واقتراح أساليب بسيطة ولكنها فعالة لتحسين النقل.
Determining whether two documents were composed by the same author, also known as authorship verification, has traditionally been tackled using statistical methods. Recently, authorship representations learned using neural networks have been found to outperform alternatives, particularly in large-scale settings involving hundreds of thousands of authors. But do such representations learned in a particular domain transfer to other domains? Or are these representations inherently entangled with domain-specific features? To study these questions, we conduct the first large-scale study of cross-domain transfer for authorship verification considering zero-shot transfers involving three disparate domains: Amazon reviews, fanfiction short stories, and Reddit comments. We find that although a surprising degree of transfer is possible between certain domains, it is not so successful between others. We examine properties of these domains that influence generalization and propose simple but effective methods to improve transfer.
References used
We study a new problem of cross-lingual transfer learning for event coreference resolution (ECR) where models trained on data from a source language are adapted for evaluations in different target languages. We introduce the first baseline model for
Recent research has documented that results reported in frequently-cited authorship attribution papers are difficult to reproduce. Inaccessible code and data are often proposed as factors which block successful reproductions. Even when original mater
The design of expressive representations of entities and relations in a knowledge graph is an important endeavor. While many of the existing approaches have primarily focused on learning from relational patterns and structural information, the intrin
The prophet's bibliography is considered as one of the oldest Islamic literature works.
These works are historically significant for two reasons. On the first hand, they are seen as
manuscripts documenting the life of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (pea
Authorship attribution is the task of assigning an unknown document to an author from a set of candidates. In the past, studies in this field use various evaluation datasets to demonstrate the effectiveness of preprocessing steps, features, and model