على مدار العقد الماضي، طورت مجال معالجة اللغة الطبيعية مجموعة واسعة من الأساليب الحسابية لمعرفة الرواية، بما في ذلك تلخيص، استنتاج المنطقي، والكشف عن الحدث.في حين أن هذا العمل قد جلب عدسة تجريبية مهمة لفحص السرد، فهو مطلقات كبيرة من الجسم الكبير من العمل النظري على السرد داخل العلوم الإنسانية والاجتماعية والعلوم المعرفية.في هذه الورقة الموضعية، نقدم الأطر النظرية المهيمنة إلى مجتمع NLP، وتوليد البحوث الحالية في NLP داخل التقاليد السريعة المميزة، وتجادل أن ربط العمل الحسابي في NLP بالنظرية يفتح مجموعة من الأسئلة التجريبية الجديدة التي من شأنها أن تساعد كلاهما في التقدم لدينافهم السرد وفتح تطبيقات عملية جديدة.
Over the past decade, the field of natural language processing has developed a wide array of computational methods for reasoning about narrative, including summarization, commonsense inference, and event detection. While this work has brought an important empirical lens for examining narrative, it is by and large divorced from the large body of theoretical work on narrative within the humanities, social and cognitive sciences. In this position paper, we introduce the dominant theoretical frameworks to the NLP community, situate current research in NLP within distinct narratological traditions, and argue that linking computational work in NLP to theory opens up a range of new empirical questions that would both help advance our understanding of narrative and open up new practical applications.
References used
When reading a literary piece, readers often make inferences about various characters' roles, personalities, relationships, intents, actions, etc. While humans can readily draw upon their past experiences to build such a character-centric view of the
Narrative generation is an open-ended NLP task in which a model generates a story given a prompt. The task is similar to neural response generation for chatbots; however, innovations in response generation are often not applied to narrative generatio
Narrative analysis is becoming increasingly important for a number of linguistic tasks including summarization, knowledge extraction, and question answering. We present a novel approach for narrative event representation using attention to re-context
The story is a beautiful piece of art and it has many kinds in the
ancient Arabic literature. the research studies the different kinds of
narrative story in Andalusian literature.
Storytelling, whether via fables, news reports, documentaries, or memoirs, can be thought of as the communication of interesting and related events that, taken together, form a concrete process. It is desirable to extract the event chains that repres