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Embodied Multimodal Agents to Bridge the Understanding Gap

الوكلاء المتعددون المجسدون لسد الفهم الفهم

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 Publication date 2021
and research's language is English
 Created by Shamra Editor

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In this paper we argue that embodied multimodal agents, i.e., avatars, can play an important role in moving natural language processing toward deep understanding.'' Fully-featured interactive agents, model encounters between two people,'' but a language-only agent has little environmental and situational awareness. Multimodal agents bring new opportunities for interpreting visuals, locational information, gestures, etc., which are more axes along which to communicate. We propose that multimodal agents, by facilitating an embodied form of human-computer interaction, provide additional structure that can be used to train models that move NLP systems closer to genuine understanding'' of grounded language, and we discuss ongoing studies using existing systems.

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Spoken language understanding (SLU) extracts the intended mean- ing from a user utterance and is a critical component of conversational virtual agents. In enterprise virtual agents (EVAs), language understanding is substantially challenging. First, t he users are infrequent callers who are unfamiliar with the expectations of a pre-designed conversation flow. Second, the users are paying customers of an enterprise who demand a reliable, consistent and efficient user experience when resolving their issues. In this work, we describe a general and robust framework for intent and entity extraction utilizing a hybrid of statistical and rule-based approaches. Our framework includes confidence modeling that incorporates information from all components in the SLU pipeline, a critical addition for EVAs to en- sure accuracy. Our focus is on creating accurate and scalable SLU that can be deployed rapidly for a large class of EVA applications with little need for human intervention.
The present study aims to identify the similarities and differences in the view of values between the main social theoretical trends adopted as assets to discuss topics of interest to sociology. These trends agreed in principle to give quality of o bjectively to the values, and differed about their interpretation, understanding and change. We resort to the comparative approach to find the disclosure of similarities and differences. This approach is the closest approaches of social research to the nature of the studied subject, mainly in the study of social phenomena. We will also turn to the analysis of the content according to the requirements of the study when determining the point of view concerning the values in this direction or that as stated by the first founders of these trends, namely Emile Durkheim functional trend, and the founder of the rules of the approach in sociology, and Karl Marx, the founder of marital comprehension of history and social life, Max Weber, the founder of sociology of understanding, a pioneer of the ideal model of social analysis. The efforts made by the founders to study social problems and phenomena, which have been adopted as the basis of research in sociology, the researcher can draw from their general context their view of values and reveal the underlying aspect of their studies around them, especially if we know that each of the first pioneers did not highlight directly on the values concept.
Internet memes have become ubiquitous in social media networks today. Due to their popularity, they are also a widely used mode of expression to spread disinformation online. As memes consist of a mixture of text and image, they require a multi-modal approach for automatic analysis. In this paper, we describe our contribution to the SemEval-2021 Detection of Persuasian Techniques in Texts and Images Task. We propose a Multi-Modal learning system, which incorporates memebeddings'', viz. joint text and vision features by combining them with compact bilinear pooling, to automatically identify rhetorical and psychological disinformation techniques. The experimental results show that the proposed system constantly outperforms the competition's baseline, and achieves the 2nd best Macro F1-score and 14th best Micro F1-score out of all participants.
Due to the wide and rapid processing provided by the petrel program, we have relied on the construction of a three-dimensional statistical model of the studied area (Sabban Field - Ruttba and Malussa Formations) using data for well-studied wells ( geochemistry, geophysical measurements and interpreted seismic data) To complete the reservoir study in a subsequent study.
Adversarial training (AT) as a regularization method has proved its effectiveness on various tasks. Though there are successful applications of AT on some NLP tasks, the distinguishing characteristics of NLP tasks have not been exploited. In this pap er, we aim to apply AT on machine reading comprehension (MRC) tasks. Furthermore, we adapt AT for MRC tasks by proposing a novel adversarial training method called PQAT that perturbs the embedding matrix instead of word vectors. To differentiate the roles of passages and questions, PQAT uses additional virtual P/Q-embedding matrices to gather the global perturbations of words from passages and questions separately. We test the method on a wide range of MRC tasks, including span-based extractive RC and multiple-choice RC. The results show that adversarial training is effective universally, and PQAT further improves the performance.

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