نظرا لأن منظمة العفو الدولية تصل إلى اعتماد أوسع، فإن تصميم أنظمة تفسير وتفسير تصبح ضرورة حاسمة.على وجه الخصوص، عندما يتعلق الأمر بأنظمة الحوار، يجب أن يكون سببها شفافا ويجب أن يتوافق مع الحدس البشري من أجل دمجها بسلاسة في أنشطة تعاونية في الإنسان اليومية.هنا، نصف عملنا المستمر في نظام الحوار (للأغراض العامة) المزودة بأخصائي مكاني مع قدرات توضيحية.طبقنا هذا النظام بمهمة معينة من توصيف التكوينات المكانية للمكتلات في مجال عالمي كتل مادية (BW) باستخدام تعبيرات دولية طبيعية، بالإضافة إلى توليد مبررات للأوصاف المكانية المقترحة من خلال الإشارة إلى العوامل التي استخدمها النظام للوصول إليهااستنتاج معين.
As AI reaches wider adoption, designing systems that are explainable and interpretable becomes a critical necessity. In particular, when it comes to dialogue systems, their reasoning must be transparent and must comply with human intuitions in order for them to be integrated seamlessly into day-to-day collaborative human-machine activities. Here, we describe our ongoing work on a (general purpose) dialogue system equipped with a spatial specialist with explanatory capabilities. We applied this system to a particular task of characterizing spatial configurations of blocks in a simple physical Blocks World (BW) domain using natural locative expressions, as well as generating justifications for the proposed spatial descriptions by indicating the factors that the system used to arrive at a particular conclusion.
References used
There has been significant progress in dialogue systems research. However, dialogue systems research in the healthcare domain is still in its infancy. In this paper, we analyse recent studies and outline three building blocks of a task-oriented dialo
Question answering (QA) systems are now available through numerous commercial applications for a wide variety of domains, serving millions of users that interact with them via speech interfaces. However, current benchmarks in QA research do not accou
This paper proposes a question-answering (QA) benchmark for spatial reasoning on natural language text which contains more realistic spatial phenomena not covered by prior work and is challenging for state-of-the-art language models (LM). We propose
Endowing a task-oriented dialogue system with adaptiveness to user personality can greatly help improve the performance of a dialogue task. However, such a dialogue system can be practically challenging to implement, because it is unclear how user pe
In open-domain question answering (QA), retrieve-and-read mechanism has the inherent benefit of interpretability and the easiness of adding, removing, or editing knowledge compared to the parametric approaches of closed-book QA models. However, it is