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The Match-Extend serialization algorithm in Multiprecedence

خوارزمية تسلسل المباراة في التعددية

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 Publication date 2021
and research's language is English
 Created by Shamra Editor

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Raimy (1999; 2000a; 2000b) proposed a graphical formalism for modeling reduplication, originallymostly focused on phonological overapplication in a derivational framework. This framework is now known as Precedence-based phonology or Multiprecedence phonology. Raimy's idea is that the segments at the input to the phonology are not totally ordered by precedence. This paper tackles a challenge that arose with Raimy's work, the development of a deterministic serialization algorithm as part of the derivation of surface forms. The Match-Extend algorithm introduced here requires fewer assumptions and sticks tighter to the attested typology. The algorithm also contains no parameter or constraint specific to individual graphs or topologies, unlike previous proposals. Match-Extend requires nothing except knowing the last added set of links.

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Classical information retrieval systems such as BM25 rely on exact lexical match and can carry out search efficiently with inverted list index. Recent neural IR models shifts towards soft matching all query document terms, but they lose the computati on efficiency of exact match systems. This paper presents COIL, a contextualized exact match retrieval architecture, where scoring is based on overlapping query document tokens' contextualized representations. The new architecture stores contextualized token representations in inverted lists, bringing together the efficiency of exact match and the representation power of deep language models. Our experimental results show COIL outperforms classical lexical retrievers and state-of-the-art deep LM retrievers with similar or smaller latency.
Deriving and modifying graphs from natural language text has become a versatile basis technology for information extraction with applications in many subfields, such as semantic parsing or knowledge graph construction. A recent work used this techniq ue for modifying scene graphs (He et al. 2020), by first encoding the original graph and then generating the modified one based on this encoding. In this work, we show that we can considerably increase performance on this problem by phrasing it as graph extension instead of graph generation. We propose the first model for the resulting graph extension problem based on autoregressive sequence labelling. On three scene graph modification data sets, this formulation leads to improvements in accuracy over the state-of-the-art between 13 and 24 percentage points. Furthermore, we introduce a novel data set from the biomedical domain which has much larger linguistic variability and more complex graphs than the scene graph modification data sets. For this data set, the state-of-the art fails to generalize, while our model can produce meaningful predictions.
This paper introduces a new algorithm to solve some problems that data clustering algorithms such as K-Means suffer from. This new algorithm by itself is able to cluster data without the need of other clustering algorithms.
In this paper, we introduce a modification to fuzzy mountain data clustering algorithm. We were able to make this algorithm working automatically, through finding a way to divide the space, to determine the values of the input parameters, and the stop condition automatically, instead of getting them by the user.
In this research proposal a time linear algorithm to find the optimal strategy in Stable game theory, that the value of game is fixed number, where the lower Value Game and the upper Value Game are equal. this algorithm is based on the principle o f nonprofitable delete strategies or strategies that are utility to adopt less utility if we adopt another strategy. The goal is to ease the expense of Nash equilibrium and stability points and access to optimal solution for the game.

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