الاكتشاف الساخرة ذات أهمية كبيرة في فهم المشاعر والآراء الحقيقية للناس.العديد من التقيمات عبر الإنترنت، مراجعات، تعليقات وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي، إلخ.لقد تم بالفعل إجراء العديد من الأبحاث بالفعل في هذا المجال، لكن معظم الباحثين درس تحليل الساركاز الإنجليزي مقارنة بالبحثية تتم في تحليل السخرية العربية بسبب تحديات اللغة العربية.في هذه الورقة، نقترح نهجا جديدا لتحسين اكتشاف السخرية العربية.يتم استخدام نهجنا تكبير البيانات، وكلمة السياق، ونموذج الغابات العشوائية للحصول على أفضل النتائج.كانت دقةنا في المهمة المشتركة بشأن السخرية والكشف عن المعنويات باللغة العربية 0.5189 ل F1-Saarcastic مثل المقياس الرسمي باستخدام DataSet Arsarcasmv2 المشترك (أبو فرحة، وآخرون، 2021).
Sarcasm detection is of great importance in understanding people's true sentiments and opinions. Many online feedbacks, reviews, social media comments, etc. are sarcastic. Several researches have already been done in this field, but most researchers studied the English sarcasm analysis compared to the researches are done in Arabic sarcasm analysis because of the Arabic language challenges. In this paper, we propose a new approach for improving Arabic sarcasm detection. Our approach is using data augmentation, contextual word embedding and random forests model to get the best results. Our accuracy in the shared task on sarcasm and sentiment detection in Arabic was 0.5189 for F1-sarcastic as the official metric using the shared dataset ArSarcasmV2 (Abu Farha, et al., 2021).
References used
Sarcasm detection is one of the top challenging tasks in text classification, particularly for informal Arabic with high syntactic and semantic ambiguity. We propose two systems that harness knowledge from multiple tasks to improve the performance of
Since their inception, transformer-based language models have led to impressive performance gains across multiple natural language processing tasks. For Arabic, the current state-of-the-art results on most datasets are achieved by the AraBERT languag
Sentiment classification and sarcasm detection attract a lot of attention by the NLP research community. However, solving these two problems in Arabic and on the basis of social network data (i.e., Twitter) is still of lower interest. In this paper w
Sarcasm detection and sentiment analysis are important tasks in Natural Language Understanding. Sarcasm is a type of expression where the sentiment polarity is flipped by an interfering factor. In this study, we exploited this relationship to enhance
This paper presents our strategy to tackle the EACL WANLP-2021 Shared Task 2: Sarcasm and Sentiment Detection. One of the subtasks aims at developing a system that identifies whether a given Arabic tweet is sarcastic in nature or not, while the other