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On a degenerate parabolic equation arising in pricing of Asian options

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 Added by Seick Kim
 Publication date 2008
and research's language is English
 Authors Seick Kim

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We study a certain one dimensional, degenerate parabolic partial differential equation with a boundary condition which arises in pricing of Asian options. Due to degeneracy of the partial differential operator and the non-smooth boundary condition, regularity of the generalized solution of such a problem remained unclear. We prove that the generalized solution of the problem is indeed a classical solution.

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Conditions for the existence and uniqueness of weak solutions for a class of nonlinear nonlocal degenerate parabolic equations are established. The asymptotic behaviour of the solutions as time tends to infinity are also studied. In particular, the finite time extinction and polynomial decay properties are proved.
This paper focuses on the pricing of continuous geometric Asian options (GAOs) under a multifactor stochastic volatility model. The model considers fast and slow mean reverting factors of volatility, where slow volatility factor is approximated by a quadratic arc. The asymptotic expansion of the price function is assumed, and the first order price approximation is derived using the perturbation techniques for both floating and fixed strike GAOs. Much simplified pricing formulae for the GAOs are obtained in this multifactor stochastic volatility framework. The zeroth order term in the price approximation is the modified Black-Scholes price for the GAOs. This modified price is expressed in terms of the Black-Scholes price for the GAOs. The accuracy of the approximate option pricing formulae is established, and the model parameter is also estimated by capturing the volatility smiles.
119 - Tuoc Phan , Hung Vinh Tran 2021
We study a class of linear parabolic equations in divergence form with degenerate coefficients on the upper half space. Specifically, the equations are considered in $(-infty, T) times mathbb{R}^d_+$, where $mathbb{R}^d_+ = {x in mathbb{R}^d,:, x_d>0}$ and $Tin {(-infty, infty]}$ is given, and the diffusion matrices are the product of $x_d$ and bounded uniformly elliptic matrices, which are degenerate at ${x_d=0}$. As such, our class of equations resembles well the corresponding class of degenerate viscous Hamilton-Jacobi equations. We obtain wellposedness results and regularity type estimates in some appropriate weighted Sobolev spaces for the solutions.
We give a proof of Holder continuity for bounded local weak solutions to the equation $u_t= sum_{i=1}^N (|u_{x_i}|^{p_i-2} u_{x_i})_{x_i}$, in $Omega times [0,T]$, with $Omega subset subset mathbb{R}^N$, under the condition $ 2<p_i<bar{p}(1+2/N)$ for each $i=1,..,N$, being $bar{p}$ the harmonic mean of the $p_i$s, via recently discovered intrinsic Harnack estimates. Moreover we establish equivalent forms of these Harnack estimates within the proper intrinsic geometry.
Cryptocurrencies, especially Bitcoin (BTC), which comprise a new digital asset class, have drawn extraordinary worldwide attention. The characteristics of the cryptocurrency/BTC include a high level of speculation, extreme volatility and price discontinuity. We propose a pricing mechanism based on a stochastic volatility with a correlated jump (SVCJ) model and compare it to a flexible co-jump model by Bandi and Ren`o (2016). The estimation results of both models confirm the impact of jumps and co-jumps on options obtained via simulation and an analysis of the implied volatility curve. We show that a sizeable proportion of price jumps are significantly and contemporaneously anti-correlated with jumps in volatility. Our study comprises pioneering research on pricing BTC options. We show how the proposed pricing mechanism underlines the importance of jumps in cryptocurrency markets.
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