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Graph Theory

نظرية البيان

8671   14   2111   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2012
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Zein Shaheen

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No English abstract

References used
الطرائق المتقدمة في برمجة الكمبيوتر , ترجمة فايز فوق العادة , دار الرشيد , الطبعة الأولى 1992م .
Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++ , Mark Allen Weiss - Monda International University , Addison-Wesley Publishing company,inc.
Programming challenges , Texts in Computer science , The programming contest Training manual , Steven S. Skiena , Miguel A. Revilla , Springer Publishing company, inc
rate research

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This study tries to afford answers to a number of questions that arose concerning the causes and the consequences of the war. What is conspiracy theory? Is there a conspiracy on Syria? Where were the origins of conspiracy theory laid? What was the role that conspiracy played in the war on Syria? Could the war on Syria really be just a result of the conspiracy or were there additional eternal causes? The study concludes that:1. War on Syria was an inevitability that most, if not all, societies will arrive to.2. Creating “ Conspiracy theory” in Syria, is a Conspiracy itself. 3. Believing in Conspiracy is a significant goal of conspiracy itself. 4. Supporting a Conspiracy theory in Syria serves the great powers that invented the theory. 5. There is no metaphysical roots of Conspiracy but historical causes founded in the social and economic relations. 6. Regional and international powers put a further nail in the coffin of conspiracy on Syria.
This work will concentrate on the mechanisms that produce neutralized atoms upon scattering of ions from metal surfaces. Three mechanisms are usually considered for ion neutralization at metal surfaces. Those are: resonance tunneling; Auger neutra lization and surface plasmon-mediated ion neutralization. The third mechanism, namely surface plasmon-mediated ion neutralization, was suggested and calculated by us in an earlier work, where a unitary transformation was introduced to the second quantized Hamiltonian. The atoms are described by a state orthogonal to all conduction band states of the metal. The transformation gave rise to an additional term in the matrix elements ''the orthogonalization term''. This theory of applying a unitary transformation to the second quantized Hamiltonian is applied to the resonance and Auger neutralization mechanisms. The orthogonalization correction to the neutralization rate is found to be important at small distances from the surface when, applied to the scattering of protons from aluminum surface.
حاولنا في هذا الكتاب أن نعرض العلاقات الأساسية لنظرية المرونة وكيفية اشتقاقها وبعض المسائل البسيطة التي تم حلها ومقارنة نتائج هذه الحلول مع نتائج مقاومة المواد آملين أن يكون هذا الكتاب عوناً لأبنائنا الطلبة وزملائنا المهندسين راجين أن يجدوا فيه الفائدة العلمية المبتغاة
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