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Research on open-domain dialogue systems that allow free topics is challenging in the field of natural language processing (NLP). The performance of the dialogue system has been improved recently by the method utilizing dialogue-related knowledge; ho wever, non-English dialogue systems suffer from reproducing the performance of English dialogue systems because securing knowledge in the same language with the dialogue system is relatively difficult. Through experiments with a Korean dialogue system, this paper proves that the performance of a non-English dialogue system can be improved by utilizing English knowledge, highlighting the system uses cross-lingual knowledge. For the experiments, we 1) constructed a Korean version of the Wizard of Wikipedia dataset, 2) built Korean-English T5 (KE-T5), a language model pre-trained with Korean and English corpus, and 3) developed a knowledge-grounded Korean dialogue model based on KE-T5. We observed the performance improvement in the open-domain Korean dialogue model even only English knowledge was given. The experimental results showed that the knowledge inherent in cross-lingual language models can be helpful for generating responses in open dialogue systems.
Most prior work on task-oriented dialogue systems is restricted to supporting domain APIs. However, users may have requests that are out of the scope of these APIs. This work focuses on identifying such user requests. Existing methods for this task m ainly rely on fine-tuning pre-trained models on large annotated data. We propose a novel method, REDE, based on adaptive representation learning and density estimation. REDE can be applied to zero-shot cases, and quickly learns a high-performing detector with only a few shots by updating less than 3K parameters. We demonstrate REDE's competitive performance on DSTC9 data and our newly collected test set.
This paper presents a system used for SemEval-2021 Task 5: Toxic Spans Detection. Our system is an ensemble of BERT-based models for binary word classification, trained on a dataset extended by toxic comments modified and generated by two language mo dels. For the toxic word classification, the prediction threshold value was optimized separately for every comment, in order to maximize the expected F1 value.
This paper proposes a taxonomy of errors in chat-oriented dialogue systems. Previously, two taxonomies were proposed; one is theory-driven and the other data-driven. The former suffers from the fact that dialogue theories for human conversation are o ften not appropriate for categorizing errors made by chat-oriented dialogue systems. The latter has limitations in that it can only cope with errors of systems for which we have data. This paper integrates these two taxonomies to create a comprehensive taxonomy of errors in chat-oriented dialogue systems. We found that, with our integrated taxonomy, errors can be reliably annotated with a higher Fleiss' kappa compared with the previously proposed taxonomies.
This paper aims at providing a comprehensive overview of recent developments in dialogue state tracking (DST) for task-oriented conversational systems. We introduce the task, the main datasets that have been exploited as well as their evaluation metr ics, and we analyze several proposed approaches. We distinguish between static ontology DST models, which predict a fixed set of dialogue states, and dynamic ontology models, which can predict dialogue states even when the ontology changes. We also discuss the model's ability to track either single or multiple domains and to scale to new domains, both in terms of knowledge transfer and zero-shot learning. We cover a period from 2013 to 2020, showing a significant increase of multiple domain methods, most of them utilizing pre-trained language models.
The ability to take turns in a fluent way (i.e., without long response delays or frequent interruptions) is a fundamental aspect of any spoken dialog system. However, practical speech recognition services typically induce a long response delay, as it takes time before the processing of the user's utterance is complete. There is a considerable amount of research indicating that humans achieve fast response times by projecting what the interlocutor will say and estimating upcoming turn completions. In this work, we implement this mechanism in an incremental spoken dialog system, by using a language model that generates possible futures to project upcoming completion points. In theory, this could make the system more responsive, while still having access to semantic information not yet processed by the speech recognizer. We conduct a small study which indicates that this is a viable approach for practical dialog systems, and that this is a promising direction for future research.
Despite the remarkable progress in the field of computational argumentation, dialogue systems concerned with argumentative tasks often rely on structured knowledge about arguments and their relations. Since the manual acquisition of these argument st ructures is highly time-consuming, the corresponding systems are inflexible regarding the topics they can discuss. To address this issue, we propose a combination of argumentative dialogue systems with argument search technology that enables a system to discuss any topic on which the search engine is able to find suitable arguments. Our approach utilizes supervised learning-based relation classification to map the retrieved arguments into a general tree structure for use in dialogue systems. We evaluate the approach with a state of the art search engine and a recently introduced dialogue model in an extensive user study with respect to the dialogue coherence. The results vary between the investigated topics (and hence depend on the quality of the underlying data) but are in some instances surprisingly close to the results achieved with a manually annotated argument structure.
There has been significant progress in dialogue systems research. However, dialogue systems research in the healthcare domain is still in its infancy. In this paper, we analyse recent studies and outline three building blocks of a task-oriented dialo gue system in the healthcare domain: i) privacy-preserving data collection; ii) medical knowledge-grounded dialogue management; and iii) human-centric evaluations. To this end, we propose a framework for developing a dialogue system and show preliminary results of simulated dialogue data generation by utilising expert knowledge and crowd-sourcing.
In goal-oriented dialogue systems, users provide information through slot values to achieve specific goals. Practically, some combinations of slot values can be invalid according to external knowledge. For example, a combination of cheese pizza'' (a menu item) and oreo cookies'' (a topping) from an input utterance Can I order a cheese pizza with oreo cookies on top?'' exemplifies such invalid combinations according to the menu of a restaurant business. Traditional dialogue systems allow execution of validation rules as a post-processing step after slots have been filled which can lead to error accumulation. In this paper, we formalize knowledge-driven slot constraints and present a new task of constraint violation detection accompanied with benchmarking data. Then, we propose methods to integrate the external knowledge into the system and model constraint violation detection as an end-to-end classification task and compare it to the traditional rule-based pipeline approach. Experiments on two domains of the MultiDoGO dataset reveal challenges of constraint violation detection and sets the stage for future work and improvements.
Retrieval-based dialogue systems display an outstanding performance when pre-trained language models are used, which includes bidirectional encoder representations from transformers (BERT). During the multi-turn response selection, BERT focuses on tr aining the relationship between the context with multiple utterances and the response. However, this method of training is insufficient when considering the relations between each utterance in the context. This leads to a problem of not completely understanding the context flow that is required to select a response. To address this issue, we propose a new fine-grained post-training method that reflects the characteristics of the multi-turn dialogue. Specifically, the model learns the utterance level interactions by training every short context-response pair in a dialogue session. Furthermore, by using a new training objective, the utterance relevance classification, the model understands the semantic relevance and coherence between the dialogue utterances. Experimental results show that our model achieves new state-of-the-art with significant margins on three benchmark datasets. This suggests that the fine-grained post-training method is highly effective for the response selection task.

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