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We propose the mixed-attention-based Generative Adversarial Network (named maGAN), and apply it for citation intent classification in scientific publication. We select domain-specific training data, propose a mixed-attention mechanism, and employ gen erative adversarial network architecture for pre-training language model and fine-tuning to the downstream multi-class classification task. Experiments were conducted on the SciCite datasets to compare model performance. Our proposed maGAN model achieved the best Macro-F1 of 0.8532.
We present our entry into the 2021 3C Shared Task Citation Context Classification based on Purpose competition. The goal of the competition is to classify a citation in a scientific article based on its purpose. This task is important because it coul d potentially lead to more comprehensive ways of summarizing the purpose and uses of scientific articles, but it is also difficult, mainly due to the limited amount of available training data in which the purposes of each citation have been hand-labeled, along with the subjectivity of these labels. Our entry in the competition is a multi-task model that combines multiple modules designed to handle the problem from different perspectives, including hand-generated linguistic features, TF-IDF features, and an LSTM-with- attention model. We also provide an ablation study and feature analysis whose insights could lead to future work.
In this paper, we study the importance of context in predicting the citation worthiness of sentences in scholarly articles. We formulate this problem as a sequence labeling task solved using a hierarchical BiLSTM model. We contribute a new benchmark dataset containing over two million sentences and their corresponding labels. We preserve the sentence order in this dataset and perform document-level train/test splits, which importantly allows incorporating contextual information in the modeling process. We evaluate the proposed approach on three benchmark datasets. Our results quantify the benefits of using context and contextual embeddings for citation worthiness. Lastly, through error analysis, we provide insights into cases where context plays an essential role in predicting citation worthiness.
This paper describes our system (IREL) for 3C-Citation Context Classification shared task of the Scholarly Document Processing Workshop at NAACL 2021. We participated in both subtask A and subtask B. Our best system achieved a Macro F1 score of 0.269 73 on the private leaderboard for subtask A and was ranked one. For subtask B our best system achieved a Macro F1 score of 0.59071 on the private leaderboard and was ranked two. We used similar models for both the subtasks with some minor changes, as discussed in this paper. Our best performing model for both the subtask was a finetuned SciBert model followed by a linear layer. This paper provides a detailed description of all the approaches we tried and their results.
Citations are crucial to a scientific discourse. Besides providing additional contexts to research papers, citations act as trackers of the direction of research in a field and as an important measure in understanding the impact of a research publica tion. With the rapid growth in research publications, automated solutions for identifying the purpose and influence of citations are becoming very important. The 3C Citation Context Classification Task organized as part of the Second Workshop on Scholarly Document Processing @ NAACL 2021 is a shared task to address the aforementioned problems. In this paper, we present our team, IITP-CUNI@3C's submission to the 3C shared tasks. For Task A, citation context purpose classification, we propose a neural multi-task learning framework that harnesses the structural information of the research papers and the relation between the citation context and the cited paper for citation classification. For Task B, citation context influence classification, we use a set of simple features to classify citations based on their perceived significance. We achieve comparable performance with respect to the best performing systems in Task A and superseded the majority baseline in Task B with very simple features.
إن توافر المعلومات بغزارة عبر الشابكة يجعل البحث عن المعلومات مهمة شاقة. يجد الباحثون صعوبة في الوصول وتتبع الأوراق البحثية الأكثر أهمية بالنسبة لهم. تقدم هذه الورقة مقاربة لنظام اقتراحات للأوراق البحثية في اتجاه تعاوني. من خلال الاستفادة من مزايا نه ج التصفية التعاونية، نستخدم البيانات السياقية المتاحة للجميع لاستنتاج الارتباطات الخفية الموجودة بين أوراق البحث من أجل تخصيص الاقتراحات. حداثة النهج المقترح هو أنه يقدم توصيات مخصصة بغض النظر عن مجال البحث وبغض النظر عن خبرة المستخدم.

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