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This research was carried out during two seasons 2014 – 2015 to study effect of seed coats on germination of endocarp, seed and embryos of two wild genotypes (M1, M2) of Mahaleb rootstock (Prunus mahaleb L.) prevailing in Alhaffa area, Lattakia. Th e experiments were done at Lattakia Scientific Agricultural Research center and Faculty of Agriculture at Tishreen University. The Results of the seeds planted on agar 0.7% in dark at 15 C° showed that no germination of the M1 endocarp VS late and low germination at 10% for the M2 endocarp starting after 98 days. As for seeds, the germination was (66.66%) and (53.33%) for M1 and M2, respectively. Removal of the woody coat (endocarp) and seed coat makes the germination faster. the embryos germination was (80%) and (60%) for M1 and M2, respectively.
We have a detailed analytical study of the Coulomb barrier, the concept of collision factor, the concept of the trajectory, and the concept of grazing angle in a collision between heavy nuclei, and that for many of the symmetrical systems A1 equal A2 and asymmetric systems A1 doesn't equal A2 .The results obtained and presented for the first time in this way, help to differentiate between the electric interaction and the nuclear reaction, and then determine the energy ejaculation that should be used in order to show the interaction to be studied. On the one hand, on the other hand this helps to choice the detector (or detectors) that must be used in experimental work, and then where to put this detector (or these detectors).
In this paper, a proposal a chemical solvent to remove sulfur deposits within the tubes production of the wells that most suffer from this problem are done. Where the study was conducted on the referenced study about the characteristics and forms of sulfur in the nature, and explain the Scheme phasic of sulfur and required conditions for the deposition of elemental sulfur within the tubes production. And has been clarified the mechanism of deposition and the outline of a simplified process for the nuclei of molecules from supersaturation sulfur vapor. Has also been depend on the field data of the studied wells /Jbissah-223, Jbissah-220/ (taken from the daily operational reports and Historical Biography of the wells), to conducting laboratory experiments in order to compare the between used solvent at field (NaOH) and proposed solvent (tallow amine activated diethyl disulfides) in this study in terms of the melt the deposited sulfur within the tubes production. and as a result, the curves resulting from the comparison process was drawn and recommending the use of the proposed solvent in treatment the acid gas wells in Jbissah fields that suffer from this problem where this solvent is the most effective and economical.
لقد تبين أن التركيز ٠,١ % من محلول قطران السجائر يحافظ على أثره المثبط للانقسامات حتى بعد اختبارات الإنعاش، و ذلك بدءًا من وضع الجذور بالماء لمدة / ٤/ ساعة بعد المعالجة. لكن إجراء اختبارات الإنعاش على الجذور المعالجة بالتركيز الأمثل من القطران و هو ٠,٠٢٥ % أكد وجود أهمية واضحة لفترتين زمنيتين و هما: التخليص بالماء لمدة ثلاث ساعات و أربع ساعات بعد المعالجة، لقد لاحظنا تراجع قرينة الانقسام، و ظهور آلية غير طبيعية في توزيع نسب الأطوار الانقسامية. و هكذا زادت نسب الطورين الأول و الثاني و نقصت نسب الطورين الثالث و الرابع و بخاصة في المدة الزمنية /٣/ ساعات من التخليص بالماء. أما في مجال التشوهات الصبغية فقد تم تسجيل نسبة مرتفعة جدًا تفوق مثيلتها في الآثار الإشعاعية، و التي وصلت بعد المعالجة لمدة ثلاث ساعات من التخليص، إلى ٥٢,٠٣ %. و من التشوهات الأكثر انتشارًا ظاهرة التلولب الصبغي و تشكل الكاريوتيب في الطور الثاني، إضافة إلى تشوهات ملموسة في هجرة الصبغيات إلى القطبين.

هل ترغب بارسال اشعارات عن اخر التحديثات في شمرا-اكاديميا