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The research aims to study the reality of olive production in the province of Latakia, and of time-series extends from the year 2002 to the year 2013, and based on the indices, growth rates, and simple regression, has been studying the reality and the evolution of olive production, and areas planted with olive trees, and the number of trees olive during the period studied, and it was the most important results: *The relationship between the olive production and the time during the period (2002- 2013) is a strong and positive relationship, where 73% of the developments in the production of olive explained by changes of time, and the rest is due to the influence of other factors not included in the model. *The relationship between the cultivated olives space and time during the period (2002-2013) is a very positive and strong relationship, where 87.3% of the developments in the areas cultivated with olives interpret the changes of time, and the rest is due to the influence of other factors not included in the model. *The relationship between the olive trees and the time during the period (2002-2013) is the relationship between positive and very strong, since 89% of the developments in the olive trees explained by changes in time, and the rest is due to the influence of other factors not included in the model.
The broodstock of Blue tilapia (Oreochromis aureus) were reared in glass aquaria in the laboratory of the High Institute of Marine Research to study the effect of different water salinities on growth rates of those broodstocks and comparing the resul ts with those obtained from the natural environment (freshwater). The broodstock were transported from El-Sin Fish Farm- Banias to the culture aquaria at the beginning of April (2011). After acclimation to the three studied water salinities (7‰, 14‰ and 19 ‰) in three aquaria (the forth aquarium was left as a control: fresh water), the fish were fed on a diet containing 35 % protein till satiation, twice a day for 72 days. The results revealed that the broodstock reared at 14‰ Salinity produced the best weight gain, where the weight gain was 18.76 g/fish with a feed conversion rate (FC) of 2.04. The weight gain was 17.16 g/fish for the fish reared at 7‰ with a FC= 2.51, while broodstock reared at fresh water gained 14.63g/fish with a FC= 2.97. The worst weight gain was obtained from the broodstock reared at 19‰ (9.24 g/fish) with a FC= 3.7.
There is considerable evidence supporting the role of gonadotrophins and progesterone on follicular growth and maturation and functional maintenance of the ovary in the hen. Recently, however, there are ever-expanding list of factors may be involv ed in establishing follicular growth and ovulation currently including germinal disc region, growth factors, macrophages, plasminogen activator, ornithine decarboxylase, inhibin, activin, follistatin, relaxine, arginin vasotosin, oxytocin, prostaglandines, vasoactive intestinal peptide, and their interactions.
يتضمن البحث عرضاً شاملاً لتطور الحركة السكانية في كل من الـدول الغنيـة و الفقيرة على السواء، و الأسباب الحقيقية التي حددت مسار هذه الحركة في كـل منهما. كما يبين البحث الأسباب الكامنة وراء اختلال التوازن بين معدلات النمو السكاني و معدلات النمو الا قتصادي في الدول المتخلفة ، و الدور الذي تقوم به الدول الغنية من محاولة لإقناع الدول الفقيرة بأن فقرها إنَّما يعود إلى التزايد السكاني السريع في هذه الدول محاولة بذلك طمس الأسباب الحقيقية لهذا الفقر و المتمثلة بالنهب الاستعماري المستمر قديمه و حديثه لخيراتها و إيصالها إلى الحلقة المفرغة التي تتخبط بها. و في نهاية البحث تم تحديد المنهج الذي يمكن أن تتبعه الدول المتخلفة في رسم سياستها السكانية التي تمكنها من تحقيق التوازن بين معدلات النمـو السـكاني و معدلات النمو الاقتصادي ، و ذلك من خلال المقترحات التي أوردها الباحث فـي خاتمة بحثه.

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