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Nested Named Entity Recognition (NNER) has been extensively studied, aiming to identify all nested entities from potential spans (i.e., one or more continuous tokens). However, recent studies for NNER either focus on tedious tagging schemas or utiliz e complex structures, which fail to learn effective span representations from the input sentence with highly nested entities. Intuitively, explicit span representations will contribute to NNER due to the rich context information they contain. In this study, we propose a Hierarchical Transformer (HiTRANS) network for the NNER task, which decomposes the input sentence into multi-grained spans and enhances the representation learning in a hierarchical manner. Specifically, we first utilize a two-phase module to generate span representations by aggregating context information based on a bottom-up and top-down transformer network. Then a label prediction layer is designed to recognize nested entities hierarchically, which naturally explores semantic dependencies among different spans. Experiments on GENIA, ACE-2004, ACE-2005 and NNE datasets demonstrate that our proposed method achieves much better performance than the state-of-the-art approaches.
Recent advances in using retrieval components over external knowledge sources have shown impressive results for a variety of downstream tasks in natural language processing. Here, we explore the use of unstructured external knowledge sources of image s and their corresponding captions for improving visual question answering (VQA). First, we train a novel alignment model for embedding images and captions in the same space, which achieves substantial improvement in performance on image-caption retrieval w.r.t. similar methods. Second, we show that retrieval-augmented multi-modal transformers using the trained alignment model improve results on VQA over strong baselines. We further conduct extensive experiments to establish the promise of this approach, and examine novel applications for inference time such as hot-swapping indices.
An exciting frontier in natural language understanding (NLU) and generation (NLG) calls for (vision-and-) language models that can efficiently access external structured knowledge repositories. However, many existing knowledge bases only cover limite d domains, or suffer from noisy data, and most of all are typically hard to integrate into neural language pipelines. To fill this gap, we release VisualSem: a high-quality knowledge graph (KG) which includes nodes with multilingual glosses, multiple illustrative images, and visually relevant relations. We also release a neural multi-modal retrieval model that can use images or sentences as inputs and retrieves entities in the KG. This multi-modal retrieval model can be integrated into any (neural network) model pipeline. We encourage the research community to use VisualSem for data augmentation and/or as a source of grounding, among other possible uses. VisualSem as well as the multi-modal retrieval models are publicly available and can be downloaded in this URL:
Neural machine translation based on bilingual text with limited training data suffers from lexical diversity, which lowers the rare word translation accuracy and reduces the generalizability of the translation system. In this work, we utilise the mul tiple captions from the Multi-30K dataset to increase the lexical diversity aided with the cross-lingual transfer of information among the languages in a multilingual setup. In this multilingual and multimodal setting, the inclusion of the visual features boosts the translation quality by a significant margin. Empirical study affirms that our proposed multimodal approach achieves substantial gain in terms of the automatic score and shows robustness in handling the rare word translation in the pretext of English to/from Hindi and Telugu translation tasks.
The following system description presents our approach to the detection of persuasion techniques in texts and images. The given task has been framed as a multi-label classification problem with the different techniques serving as class labels. The mu lti-label classification problem is one in which a list of target variables such as our class labels is associated with every input chunk and assumes that a document can simultaneously and independently be assigned to multiple labels or classes. In order to assign class labels to the given memes, we opted for RoBERTa (A Robustly Optimized BERT Pretraining Approach) as a neural network architecture for token and sequence classification. Starting off with a pre-trained model for language representation we fine-tuned this model on the given classification task with the provided annotated data in supervised training steps. To incorporate image features in the multi-modal setting, we rely on the pre-trained VGG-16 model architecture.
This paper presents the solution proposed by the 1213Li team for subtask 3 in SemEval-2021 Task 6: identifying the multiple persuasion techniques used in the multi-modal content of the meme. We explored various approaches in feature extraction and th e detection of persuasion labels. Our final model employs pre-trained models including RoBERTa and ResNet-50 as a feature extractor for texts and images, respectively, and adopts a label embedding layer with multi-modal attention mechanism to measure the similarity of labels with the multi-modal information and fuse features for label prediction. Our proposed method outperforms the provided baseline method and achieves 3rd out of 16 participants with 0.54860/0.22830 for Micro/Macro F1 scores.
Multimodal summarization becomes increasingly significant as it is the basis for question answering, Web search, and many other downstream tasks. However, its learning materials have been lacking a holistic organization by integrating resources from various modalities, thereby lagging behind the research progress of this field. In this study, we release a full-scale multimodal dataset comprehensively gathering documents, summaries, images, captions, videos, audios, transcripts, and titles in English from CNN and Daily Mail. To our best knowledge, this is the first collection that spans all modalities and nearly comprises all types of materials available in this community. In addition, we devise a baseline model based on the novel dataset, which employs a newly proposed Jump-Attention mechanism based on transcripts. The experimental results validate the important assistance role of the external information for multimodal summarization.
Recent vision-language understanding approaches adopt a multi-modal transformer pre-training and finetuning paradigm. Prior work learns representations of text tokens and visual features with cross-attention mechanisms and captures the alignment sole ly based on indirect signals. In this work, we propose to enhance the alignment mechanism by incorporating image scene graph structures as the bridge between the two modalities, and learning with new contrastive objectives. In our preliminary study on the challenging compositional visual question answering task, we show the proposed approach achieves improved results, demonstrating potentials to enhance vision-language understanding.

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