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The research aims to estimate the effect of sample size on the statistical test power (t) for one sample, two interrelated samples, two independent samples, and on the statistical test power of one-way analysis of variance test (F) to compare the averages. The descriptive method was used, and different sizes of samples (300) items, where it was generated using the program (PASS 14), and taken into account to be realized in this data the set of assumptions needed to make test (t) and (F), with respect to random testing, categorical level of measurement, normal distribution, and equinoctial variance.
The research aims to develop some formulas of sample size and characterization and comparison among themselves to determine the best formula of formulas to calculate the sample size and the creation of a modified reflected well on the sample size, in addition to specifying individual gratification I and II for the relevant formulas and mathematical equations can predict the sample size, however the size of the community. The researcher through the study the following results: The results were identical to the formula related to the size and the sample size when consolidation requirements. Sample size did not increase with increasing size of the moral community at first gratification. No moral differences between sample volume according to the size of the community when individual gratification. Moral differences exist between sample size and average total inspection according to the size of the community when individual gratification. We got a mathematical models of the relationship between size and the sample size and the size of the community and the average total inspection. We have developed a comprehensive table gives sample size corresponding to the size of the community can be accessible to researchers to take advantage of it and apply the formulas as long as it originally relied upon certain conditions.
هدفت هذه الدراسة إلى استقصاء أثر حجم العينة في تقدير معلمة صعوبة الفقرة ( Item Difficulty) و الخطـأ المعيـاري تقـديرها فـي (Standard Error of Estimation) باستخدام نظرية الاستجابة للفقرة (Theory Response Item) و لتحقيق أهـداف هـذه الدراسة تم اشتقا ق معلمة الصعوبة، و الخطأ المعياري في تقديرها باسـتخدام اختبـار تحصيلي في الرياضيات للصف العاشر الأساسي تكون في صورته النهائية من (80) فقرة من نوع الاختبار من المتعدد.

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