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Pretraining-based neural network models have demonstrated state-of-the-art (SOTA) performances on natural language processing (NLP) tasks. The most frequently used sentence representation for neural-based NLP methods is a sequence of subwords that is different from the sentence representation of non-neural methods that are created using basic NLP technologies, such as part-of-speech (POS) tagging, named entity (NE) recognition, and parsing. Most neural-based NLP models receive only vectors encoded from a sequence of subwords obtained from an input text. However, basic NLP information, such as POS tags, NEs, parsing results, etc, cannot be obtained explicitly from only the large unlabeled text used in pretraining-based models. This paper explores use of NEs on two Japanese tasks; document classification and headline generation using Transformer-based models, to reveal the effectiveness of basic NLP information. The experimental results with eight basic NEs and approximately 200 extended NEs show that NEs improve accuracy although a large pretraining-based model trained using 70 GB text data was used.
The widespread presence of offensive language on social media motivated the development of systems capable of recognizing such content automatically. Apart from a few notable exceptions, most research on automatic offensive language identification ha s dealt with English. To address this shortcoming, we introduce MOLD, the Marathi Offensive Language Dataset. MOLD is the first dataset of its kind compiled for Marathi, thus opening a new domain for research in low-resource Indo-Aryan languages. We present results from several machine learning experiments on this dataset, including zero-short and other transfer learning experiments on state-of-the-art cross-lingual transformers from existing data in Bengali, English, and Hindi.
Character-aware neural language models can capture the relationship between words by exploiting character-level information and are particularly effective for languages with rich morphology. However, these models are usually biased towards informatio n from surface forms. To alleviate this problem, we propose a simple and effective method to improve a character-aware neural language model by forcing a character encoder to produce word-based embeddings under Skip-gram architecture in a warm-up step without extra training data. We empirically show that the resulting character-aware neural language model achieves obvious improvements of perplexity scores on typologically diverse languages, that contain many low-frequency or unseen words.
Coherent discourse is distinguished from a mere collection of utterances by the satisfaction of a diverse set of constraints, for example choice of expression, logical relation between denoted events, and implicit compatibility with world-knowledge. Do neural language models encode such constraints? We design an extendable set of test suites addressing different aspects of discourse and dialogue coherence. Unlike most previous coherence evaluation studies, we address specific linguistic devices beyond sentence order perturbations, which allow for a more fine-grained analysis of what constitutes coherence and what neural models trained on a language modelling objective are capable of encoding. Extending the targeted evaluation paradigm for neural language models (Marvin and Linzen, 2018) to phenomena beyond syntax, we show that this paradigm is equally suited to evaluate linguistic qualities that contribute to the notion of coherence.
Historical linguists have identified regularities in the process of historic sound change. The comparative method utilizes those regularities to reconstruct proto-words based on observed forms in daughter languages. Can this process be efficiently au tomated? We address the task of proto-word reconstruction, in which the model is exposed to cognates in contemporary daughter languages, and has to predict the proto word in the ancestor language. We provide a novel dataset for this task, encompassing over 8,000 comparative entries, and show that neural sequence models outperform conventional methods applied to this task so far. Error analysis reveals a variability in the ability of neural model to capture different phonological changes, correlating with the complexity of the changes. Analysis of learned embeddings reveals the models learn phonologically meaningful generalizations, corresponding to well-attested phonological shifts documented by historical linguistics.
This paper presents the first study on using large-scale pre-trained language models for automated generation of an event-level temporal graph for a document. Despite the huge success of neural pre-training methods in NLP tasks, its potential for tem poral reasoning over event graphs has not been sufficiently explored. Part of the reason is the difficulty in obtaining large training corpora with human-annotated events and temporal links. We address this challenge by using existing IE/NLP tools to automatically generate a large quantity (89,000) of system-produced document-graph pairs, and propose a novel formulation of the contextualized graph generation problem as a sequence-to-sequence mapping task. These strategies enable us to leverage and fine-tune pre-trained language models on the system-induced training data for the graph generation task. Our experiments show that our approach is highly effective in generating structurally and semantically valid graphs. Further, evaluation on a challenging hand-labeled, out-of-domain corpus shows that our method outperforms the closest existing method by a large margin on several metrics. We also show a downstream application of our approach by adapting it to answer open-ended temporal questions in a reading comprehension setting.
Comment sections allow users to share their personal experiences, discuss and form different opinions, and build communities out of organic conversations. However, many comment sections present chronological ranking to all users. In this paper, I dis cuss personalization approaches in comment sections based on different objectives for newsrooms and researchers to consider. I propose algorithmic and interface designs when personalizing the presentation of comments based on different objectives including relevance, diversity, and education/background information. I further explain how transparency, user control, and comment type diversity could help users most benefit from the personalized interacting experience.
Large pretrained language models using the transformer neural network architecture are becoming a dominant methodology for many natural language processing tasks, such as question answering, text classification, word sense disambiguation, text comple tion and machine translation. Commonly comprising hundreds of millions of parameters, these models offer state-of-the-art performance, but at the expense of interpretability. The attention mechanism is the main component of transformer networks. We present AttViz, a method for exploration of self-attention in transformer networks, which can help in explanation and debugging of the trained models by showing associations between text tokens in an input sequence. We show that existing deep learning pipelines can be explored with AttViz, which offers novel visualizations of the attention heads and their aggregations. We implemented the proposed methods in an online toolkit and an offline library. Using examples from news analysis, we demonstrate how AttViz can be used to inspect and potentially better understand what a model has learned.

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