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The twentieth century is the century of the maturation of Arab national consciousness, although its introductions and the incidents that attended to it date back to the beginning of the nineteenth century. This national consciousness is essentially a social consciousness with a complex structure in which individual consciousness is inserted alongside the collective consciousness
This research deals with the most important political ideas that Averroes dealt with through his summarization of the Aristotle's book Rhetoric, in contrast to Avicenna and Al-Farabi's logical approach to this book. We will not go through the logical ideas in Rhetoric but rather focus on the Aristotelian political and philosophical issues which Averroes depends on in his summary of the book. It is an attempt to focus on Averroes's political ideas which preceded his summarization of Plato 's The Republic due to the fact that he didn't obtain the Arabic translation of Aristotle's book Politics. We try in this research to focus on Averroes's way of summary regarding commitment to the Aristotelian text and its literal denotations on some occasions, or the interpretive reading on other occasions. In addition, it will focus on Averroes's reliance on his predecessors' explanations of the same book to clarify some statements, and then his attempt to apply some Aristotelian political ideas on the Arab-Muslim political reality in the Middle Ages.
الهدف من البحث في المشروع القومي العربي المعاصر هو طرح أفكار قديمـة جديـدة حول العمل القومي الوحدوي للإسهام في رفع مستوى الوعي السياسي عنـد الإنسـان العربي و تعميقه، و تكوين فكر قومي قادر على مواجهة التحـديات التـي تواجـه الأمـة العربية في هذه الظروف.

هل ترغب بارسال اشعارات عن اخر التحديثات في شمرا-اكاديميا