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The leishmaniasis is a serious health problem in Syria, due to the wide spreading of Leishmania tropica parasite , the difficulty of controlling the reservoirs of parasites, and there is no specific ,safe and active therapy .Due to lack of studies of Leishmania tropica genome , as initial step we detect the presence of SW3 gene.
the leishmaniasis is a serious health problem in Syria, due to the wide spreading of Leishmania Tropica parasite , the hardness of controlling the reservoirs of parasites, and there is no specific ,safe active therapy. A Heat shock protein 20 HSP2 0 belongs to the small HSP (sHSP) family.
Sublethal toxicity studies were conducted with a rotifera (Brachionus calyciflorus) to determine the No observed effect concentrations (NOECs) of a different eight toxic substances based on the protein mass reduction. Protein mass (with moleculer weight 43KDa - 67KDa) was quantified using electrophoresis method. Quantitation of protein concentrations demonstrated that toxicant stress reduced protein concentrations. The NOECs-43KDa and NOECs - 67KDa were reported. Since in vivo protein cocentrations can be assessed in a short time, these results can be obtained in only a few hours, which is substantially less than traditional whole animal reproductive tests. NOECs - NOECs - 43KDa test were generally more sensitive end points than NOECs - NOECs-67KDa test and more sensitive than standard whole animal toxicity tests for only four toxicants.
قمنا من خلال هذا البحث بتغطية بعض الجوانب المناعية للطفيلي، حيث عزل طفيلي الليشمانية من أشخاص مصابين بداء الليشمانية الجلدي، من منطقة الرحيبة (ريف دمشق)، ثم استنبت الطفيلي في البداية على وسط صلب N.N.N بدرجة حرارة ٢٦ ° مئوية، و من ثم على وسط سائل ١٦ ٤٠ RPMI- بغية تعيين الشروط المثلى للاستنبات (تركيز الطفيلي الأولي، و حجم الوسط)، فحصلنا على منحنى نمو نموذجي لدى استخدام التركيز ٥×٥^١٠ طفيلي/ميلي لترًا، حيث يمر الطفيلي بأطوار نمو واضحة و منفصلة. لاحظنا أيضًا التبدلات الشكلية التي تطرأ على الطفيلي أمامي السوط promastigote في كل طور.

هل ترغب بارسال اشعارات عن اخر التحديثات في شمرا-اكاديميا