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This study tried to stand on the phenomenon of Altarnum ،performance ،as reflected in this phenomenon ،how to perform text linguistic and linguistic diversity of the means ،which may be the satiation of an articulation or subsequent prolongation or modifying and deletion. The study concluded that Altarnum is a kind of audible performance which is dominant in poetry. It is based on prolongation a and rewind ،to achieve homonymy during the long tidal articulation or the use of suffix often Al- Tanween ،Altarnum ،is not limited to the Tanween of Altarnum ،but achieved in some types of diversity in other kinds of Al- Tanween. In Altarnum ،using Al-Tanween is legal even if it contradicts with other grammarians' opinions ،because of Nun's value rhythmic grainy ،and systematic musical frequencies. The study also concluded that Altarnum which is different from Solomon(chanting) ،which is nothing more than raising the voice without homonymy ، which seems to replace the "Maddah" with "Noan" or bind the end of speech Soothing.
This research is considered a completion to many studies which dealt with nunnation as a tool of namelessness as Arabic scientists were clearly interested in nunnation in their artistic texts and books to control its origins and feel its effect in the lingual context. Research about nunnation origins has stopped in the semetic languages, generally speaking, and in Arabic in particular. After that its linguistic and conventional meaning was known by grammarians, linguals and eloquent people. It also spotlighted all its kinds, the linguists disagreement about its number and indication of each kind of it projecting its significance efficacy in reference to namelessness as a tool that is opposite to the definite article ( alef and lam ) . In addition to show the obstacles that faced grammarians as proper names nunnation which is considered as a part of identifiers to know its omission places which were identified by grammarians .

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