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This piece of research tends to acknowledge the degree of sufficiency that environment and material needs of the students of education at the Facutly of Education are met. It adopts the analytical and descriptive method. Thus, a special questionnai re including (66) points distributed over many significant fields: public location of the building, public safety, public health, public services, pollution, academic spaces and specialist environment to each student, special lecturehalls and seats, projectors and library—has been prepared and targeted a selected specimen of students. This questionnaire has been targeted a randomly selected specimen that included 150 students (fe/males) divided between the two divisions: the educational (Classromm Tutor and Methods), and the psychological (Pschological Monitoring), with special reference to variants of gender and teaching unit. This study concludes with the fact that the extent of meeting the environmental and material expectations of the students of Faculty of Eduation, University of Tishreen has been medium; there exist no statistical differences among the respionses of the specimen students with reference to the variants of gender and teaching unit. In the light of the findings, it seems that the material environment plays a key role in formulating the personality of students, and shaping their future. Undoubtedly, this is so important since it stands as one basic input in the teaching process, and contributes to providing knowledge to mankind, and investing in man as human capital who participates in progessing and improving society, and having an acess to the welfare of human being. Henceforward, with the progess of the theories of education, it is so essential to adapt the academic career to the latest teaching requirements, and the modern eduation tendencies including various activities, improving the teacher-students relationship and opening channels with the outer world.
Introduction: The Security and safety is the most important goals that must take care of in schools in order to provide a safe and secure school environments for students and staff. So all school personnel must work to achieve this and cooperate wi th the Ministry of education through the development of plans and studies to get to the school community that apply the instructions and guide care of school safety and security. The school environment with all its elements have a significant impact on the health of students and their physical and psychological growth, as well as affect their behavior daily in and out of school. Goals: this study aimed to assess safety procedures in governmental basic learning schools in Latakia. Materials and Methods: this study was conducted on a set of governmental basic learning schools in the city of Latakia. The original community of study consisted of 59 schools of basic public learning in the city of Latakia and the search sample included nearly50%=29 schools were taken randomly stratified. The assessment was conducted by the researcher through observation of the physical environment of schools, and interview each school’s administrators to collect information about the social environment. Results: Safety procedures in the physical environment were more secure in achieving good location and its validity as a school, and in providing general safety procedures at school, while less secure in achieving safety standards in public facilities and public health in the classroom. Were more secure in communicating with parents, and providing sport system and activities, while were less secure in achieving safety standards of providing first aid system and psychological counseling. Conclusions and recommendations: Results of the study suggested that developing of national standards for security and safety procedures in the physical and social environments of schools, as well as continue to conduct scientific research in school environment regarding safety procedures thus for accelerated changes to be present at the environment of the school, which required special solutions in cooperation with the Department of education.
مع تطور النظرية التربوية والسياسات المنبثقة عنها يصبح ضروري تكييـف البيئـة المدرسية بما فيها تنويع الأنشطة. - تتلخص إشكالية البحث في الأسئلة التالية: في التعرف على واقع البيئة المادية في مدارس التعليم الأساسي؟ و مدى تلبية ذلك الواقع لمتطلبات جـودة البيئـة التعليميـة؟ و تعرف واقع ممارسة الأنشطة الصفية و اللاصفية ذات الطابع البيئي؟ - أهداف البحث: 1 -تعرف واقع البيئة المادية لمدارس مرحلة التعليم الأساسي. مـن خلال بطاقة ملاحظة مصممة وفق معايير الجودة الشاملة. 2 -تعرف واقع الأنـشطة البيئية التي يمارسها الطلاب بتوجيه و مشاركة معلميهم من خـلال اسـتبانة لرصـد الأنشطة التربوية الممارسة ذات الطابع البيئي. 3 -تعرف طبيعة العلاقة بين مستويات الواقع البيئي للمدرسة و مستويات ممارسة الأنشطة البيئي.

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