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نقوم في هذا المقال بتحليل مكونات الإقناع في الإعلان المكتوب (في المجلات), منتهجين لدراسة من أربع خطوات: في الفصل الأول نقوم بطرح عموميات حول مفهوم الإعلان و مكوناته المختلفة, و في الفصل الثاني نقوم بطرح تحليلين: الأول خطابي للنص الإعلاني’ والآخر بل اغي للنص الإعلاني معددين الصور البلاغية التي قد تستخدم في النص الإعلاني مع شرح بسيط لبعض منها. و في الفصل الثالث ننهي مقالنا بتحليل الصورة الإعلانية بطريقة بلاغية و نتطرق أخيرا لذكر المكونات السيميائية للصورة الإعلانية. مع الإشارة إلى أننا استندنا في بحثنا على مراجع قديمة لعدم توفر مراجع أحدث في مكتبة جامعة تشرين.
Linguists classify the restriction methods into four sections : Restriction using negative and exceptions, restriction using "Inama", restriction using conjunctions "Bal, La, Lakin", restriction by preceding what must be delayed. There is also a f ifth section. It is called (restriction by references and contexts throughout the speech). The later has three branches which are (restriction by adding interrupting pronoun), (restriction by defining both sides of contributing) and (restriction by preceding what has to be delayed). This research has chosen the restriction by using conjunctions "Bal, La, Lakin" . Initiating by explaining this method and its hotness and ending by studying it rhetorical stylish referential study in the collection of poems "kossierazza". This rhetorical study has divided the restriction's case by using conjunctions "Bal, La, Lakin" to the multiple poetical contexts and analyzing it according to its interaction with the poetical purpose in a special way. And its interaction with the text's context as a whole initiating by the most repeated restrictions and ending by the less repeated.
This paper presents a review of available algorithms and plagiarism detection systems، and an implementation of Plagiarism Detection System using available search engines on the web. Plagiarism detection in natural language documents is a complicat ed problem and it is related to the characteristics of the language itself. There are many available algorithms for plagiarism detection in natural languages .Generally these algorithms belong to two main categories ; the first one is plagiarism detection algorithms based on fingerprint and the second is plagiarism detection algorithms based on content comparison and includes string matching and tree matching algorithms . Usually available systems of plagiarism detection use specific type of detection algorithms or use a mixture of detection algorithms to achieve effective detection systems (fast and accurate). In this research, a plagiarism detection system has been developed using Bing search engine and a plagiarism detection algorithm based on Rhetorical Structure Theory.

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