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This paper reports a new variable in many aspects, including knowledge of accounting, Due to the emergence of a changing technological developments, a this research comes as an attempt to study the relationship between the quality and presentation of the information disclosed electronically in companies listed on the Arab stock markets, the benefit of accounting information. The research found through a questionnaire addressed to brokerage firms in the Arab financial markets under consideration for being one of the beneficiaries of the Electronic accounting disclosure to a positive relationship between the presentation and the quality of information on the Internet to contribute to the benefit of the studied companies and accounting information.
Because of the emergence of variable technological developments as a new variable in many of the cognitive aspects such as accounting, this research comes as an attempt to examine the relationship between the quality and approach of information pre sentation that disclosed electronically by shareholding companies listed in the Damascus Securities Exchange, and those factors that are likely to affect the level of this disclosure and approach. The research found that the improvement in the level of this disclosure on the Internet is getting more profits and increased indebtedness and depending on the nature of those companies. While this disclosure is not affected by capital size and the age of those companies.
The study aims to show the effect of implementing the above mentioned accounting standard No 21 and the effect of hard currency prices , taking it into concideration when preparing the results of the private Syrian banks activities . We should conce ntrate on it disregarding the changes that happened to the value of terms and other elements in the financial statments due to the general level of changes of the prices of the local currency . this will give misleading and incorrect results to data users and the financial information depended upon in taking its investment decisions , each from his own point of view . The study realises the changes that will affect the financial results after excluding the profits which result from the changes in the prices of foreign currency . The study has shed light on the great impact on the final results of profit or loss , after excluding the effect of accounting standard No 21 , which will affect the accuracy of the outcome , especially if it seriously leads to hiding the losses resulting from traditional activities and the actual services provided from these banks , in addition to the change of the applied analytical and financial rate on the part of the users of these data and information Also , the study has given a number of recommendations taking into account the previous results. the most important is the necessity of taking the general price changes into consideration , regarding all different elements of terms , lists and financial outcome , the same as the changes that happened to the prices of the foreign currency . it is essential that officials who check the accounts must clearly reveal the financial lists of the banks objectively and transparenly .we should try to convince banks mangements how weak the evidence of these reports and lists are, because they don’t express reality with transparecy .
This research focuses on the impact of one of environmental factors on the accounting disclosure level of firms according to International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), which is the impact of international audit firms (Big Four) on the acc ounting disclosure level. This research aims to study the level of accounting disclosure in the financial reports of Jordanian manufacturing listed companies on the Amman Securities Exchange, in addition to study the relationship between the audit of financial reports of listed companies by one of the Big Four firms and the level of accounting disclosure. The study found that the average of accounting disclosure level in Jordanian manufacturing listed companies on the Amman Securities Exchange is 62.15%. There is also a positive relationship between the auditing of financial reports of listed companies by one of the Big Four firms and the level of accounting disclosure for Jordanian manufacturing listed companies on the Amman Securities Exchange. This means that the level of accounting disclosure increases when the financial reports of listed companies is audited by one of the Big Four firms.
هدفت هذه الدراسة إلى تعرف مدى التزام الشركة الأهلية للإسمنت بالإفصاح عن أدائها البيئي. كما هدفت إلى تعرف إبراز المعوقات التي تحول دون قيام الشركة موضوع البحث بالإفصاح عن أدائها البيئي. لتحقيق أهداف الدراسة، صممت استبانة وزعت على الأفراد العاملين في الدوائر المالية و المحاسبية في الشركة الأهلية للإسمنت، و قد تم توزيع 36 استبانة. توصل البحث إلى مجموعة من النتائج أهمها: -1 لا تقوم الشركة الأهلية للإسمنت بالإفصاح محاسبياً عن أدائها البيئي. -2 هناك العديد من المعوقات التي تحد من قيام الشركة الأهلية للإسمنت بالإفصاح محاسبياً عن أدائها البيئي، و أبرز تلك المعوقات قلة البرامج التعليمية للتعريف بمتطلبات الإفصاح عن الأداء البيئي، و عدم توافر نظام محاسبي يفي بأغراض الإفصاح عن الأداء البيئي، و عدم وجود قوانين ملزمة للإفصاح عن الأداء البيئي، و صعوبة قياس التكاليف البيئية، و عدم وجود رغبة للإفصاح عن التكاليف المرتبطة بالأضرار البيئية الناتجة عن عملياتها حتى و لو أمكن قياسها.
ترسم المبادئ المحاسبية الإطار العام الذي يحكم الطرق و الإجراءات المتبعة لإثبات العمليات المالية، و في إعداد القوائم و البيانات المالية . و في رأي مجلس معايير المحاسبة المالية الأمريكية FASB هناك أربعة مبادئ محاسبية تنضوي ضمن الفروض المحاسبية، و من بينها مبدأ الإفصاح التام .

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