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يعد العنصر البشري الثروة الحقيقة والمحور الاساسي للإنتاج في مواقع العمل المختلفة فالأجهزة والأدوات و الالات الضخمةمهنا بلغت درجة تطورها واهميتها ستبقى غير مفيدة ولا تعمل إذا لم يتوافر العنصر البشري الذي يحركها ويوظفها ويصونها
هدفت الدراسة إلى وضع نموذج مقترح لكفاية أهداف التعليم الجامعي يستند إلى النتائج المستخلصة من تحليل توجهات منظومة أهداف التعليم العالي المتضمنة في الخطة الخمسية الحادية عشرة
يشهد العالم في الآونة الأخيرة تغيرات وتطورات متسارعة في جميع المجالات الاقتصادية والاجتماعية والتكنولوجية والتعليمة
Secondary Education is considered a basic stage of the educational system. It is the gate from which the outputs of the general education come to the market and universities . Therefore, the general education receives special attention from Ministrie s of Education and teaching at the world level. The educational system of developed countries with its different stages adopts at present new concepts which have characteristics that agree with the new scientific developments such as informatics, total quality, knowledge society, post-knowledge, and School of the Future. School of the Future works at developing the whole personality of all students, facilitating knowledge for them and giving a chance for their creative abilities to appear, so the student becomes able to lifelong learning and continue to develop his knowledge and skills by using all methods of learning and educational technology. To achieve these aims , there should be a distinguished teacher who is able to think in a scientific organized way to face the social, cognitive, economical, educational, , and cultural challenges, as well as a manager who is able to face the social, economical, technological, educational and administrative challenges to lead the school with its all elements. So, the research aimed at identifying the challenges which face the managers and teachers of the general secondary education in the light of the school of the future. The research consisted of seven chapters. The first five chapters included the theoretical part while the sixth and seventh chapters included the procedures of the field study and its results.

هل ترغب بارسال اشعارات عن اخر التحديثات في شمرا-اكاديميا