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200 - B. Feigin , E. Feigin , M. Jimbo 2018
We use the Whittaker vectors and the Drinfeld Casimir element to show that eigenfunctions of the difference Toda Hamiltonian can be expressed via fermionic formulas. Motivated by the combinatorics of the fermionic formulas we use the representation theory of the quantum groups to prove a number of identities for the coefficients of the eigenfunctions.
133 - B. Feigin , M. Jimbo , T. Miwa 2015
We establish the method of Bethe ansatz for the XXZ type model obtained from the R-matrix associated to quantum toroidal gl(1). We do that by using shuffle realizations of the modules and by showing that the Hamiltonian of the model is obtained from a simple multiplication operator by taking an appropriate quotient. We expect this approach to be applicable to a wide variety of models.
306 - B. Feigin , M. Jimbo , T. Miwa 2013
We construct an analog of the subalgebra $Ugl(n)otimes Ugl(m)$ of $Ugl(m+n)$ in the setting of quantum toroidal algebras and study the restrictions of various representations to this subalgebra.
91 - B. Feigin , M. Jimbo , T. Miwa 2012
We define and study representations of quantum toroidal $gl_n$ with natural bases labeled by plane partitions with various conditions. As an application, we give an explicit description of a family of highest weight representations of quantum affine $gl_n$ with generic level.
124 - B. Feigin , M. Jimbo , T. Miwa 2011
In third paper of the series we construct a large family of representations of the quantum toroidal $gl_1$ algebra whose bases are parameterized by plane partitions with various boundary conditions and restrictions. We study the corresponding formal characters. As an application we obtain a Gelfand-Zetlin type basis for a class of irreducible lowest weight $gl_infty$-modules.
222 - B. Feigin , E. Feigin , M. Jimbo 2010
We construct a family of irreducible representations of the quantum continuous $gl_infty$ whose characters coincide with the characters of representations in the minimal models of the $W_n$ algebras of $gl_n$ type. In particular, we obtain a simple combinatorial model for all representations of the $W_n$-algebras appearing in the minimal models in terms of $n$ interrelating partitions.
91 - E. Mukhin , V. Tarasov , 2007
We construct a canonical isomorphism between the Bethe algebra acting on a multiplicity space of a tensor product of evaluation gl_N[t]-modules and the scheme-theoretic intersection of suitable Schubert varieties. Moreover, we prove that the multiplicity space as a module over the Bethe algebra is isomorphic to the coregular representation of the scheme-theoretic intersection. In particular, this result implies the simplicity of the spectrum of the Bethe algebra for real values of evaluation parameters and the transversality of the intersection of the corresponding Schubert varieties.
106 - B. Feigin , E. Feigin , M. Jimbo 2007
We study a class of representations of the Lie algebra of Laurent polynomials with values in the nilpotent subalgebra of sl(3). We derive Weyl-type (bosonic) character formulas for these representations. We establish a connection between the bosonic formulas and the Whittaker vector in the Verma module for the quantum group $U_v sl(3)$. We also obtain a fermionic formula for an eigenfunction of the sl(3) quantum Toda Hamiltonian.

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