التحليل الحبيبي للتربة:
تتراوح احجام دقائق التربة من احجام كبيرة يتجاوز قطرها 300 مم تدعى جلمود بموجب النظام الموحد لتصنيف التربة او لغاية حجم صغير جدا لا يتجاوز قطره 2 للأس -10 مم او 2 انكستروم.
ان الطريقتين الشائعتين لقياس حجم التربة هما:
1- الت
حليل الخشن بالمناخل للترب خشنة الحبات
2- طريقة المقياس المائي للترب ناعمة الحبات (اختبار هيدروميتر)
تحتوي هذه المحاضرة تفاصيل عن طريقة اجراء التحليلين وقواعد اختبار هيدروميتر
The main objective aim of this research paper is to identifies the optimum ways to manage and implement projects As well as the identification and identification and causes of delayed projects to control them and develop appropriate solutions to over
come them، Through the experience and review of the literature of the subject and a field study of the entire project in practice And follow the implementation step by step and note the role of project management in it ، and identify the problems and obstacles that touch this project and try to
find alternative solutions
The research focused on the axis of the mechanism of diversity of personal performance in monodrama performances and determining the technical characteristics of this diversity. The first chapter dealt with the problem of research which focused on wh
at characteristics the actor possesses during the diversity of performance between the two figures he performs. Are these characteristics related to monodrama as a form The researcher defined the title of his research by (diversity of personality performance in the monodrama theater). Then the researcher examined the importance of research and the research objective which was defined in the recognition of the mechanism of employing the diversity of the performance of the actor in his representation of more than one personality in one show and how to interact with it.he researcher then addressed the limits of temporal، spatial and objective research to conclude the first chapter in the research terms identified by the researcher in diversity، performance، actor and monodrama.As for the second chapter، it was determined in two subjects. The first topic was under the concept of monodrama. The second topic was under the title of the technical characteristics of the diversity of the performance of monodramatic personality.As for the third chapter، it was determined in the research procedures. The researcher dealt with the society and the sample of the research، which was represented by the play "Oil Spot،" written by Mahmoud Abu Al Abbas، prepared and directed by Abdul Rahman and represented by Mohammed Hashim. The researcher analyzed the sample of his research and in the fourth chapter on the results، some of which are provided for example: - Employment of gesture and movement part of the tools representative helps him in the variety of performance from one person to another as well as his knowledge of the personal technique and according to his physical skill as a sign that produces actions distinguish personality from others. The style of psychic representation in monodrama and the diversity of personality performance depends on the presentation of the personality as well as its problematic history. And then conclusions, sources and references.
Given the importance of the role of sports teachers in the educational field and the plans and programs they offer that help make the educational process a success, it is necessary to pay attention to it and provide the appropriate atmosphere for it
so that it becomes motivated to achieve and becomes more connected to its work and profession. Job satisfaction is one of the main elements of general satisfaction that provides energy. Therefore, the problem of this current study is the researchers' attempt to identify job satisfaction and its relationship to achievement motivation among a sample of sports teachers in the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Al-Mustansiriya University.