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103 - Yu Pan , Zibo Miao , Nina H. Amini 2015
Quantum control could be implemented by varying the system Hamiltonian. According to adiabatic theorem, a slowly changing Hamiltonian can approximately keep the system at the ground state during the evolution if the initial state is a ground state. In this paper we consider this process as an interpolation between the initial and final Hamiltonians. We use the mean value of a single operator to measure the distance between the final state and the ideal ground state. This measure could be taken as the error of adiabatic approximation. We prove under certain conditions, this error can be precisely estimated for an arbitrarily given interpolating function. This error estimation could be used as guideline to induce adiabatic evolution. According to our calculation, the adiabatic approximation error is not proportional to the average speed of the variation of the system Hamiltonian and the inverse of the energy gaps in many cases. In particular, we apply this analysis to an example on which the applicability of the adiabatic theorem is questionable.
Coherent feedback control of quantum systems has demonstrable advantages over measurement-based control, but so far there has been little work done on coherent estimators and more specifically coherent observers. Coherent observers are input the coherent output of a specified quantum plant, and are designed such that some subset of the observer and plants expectation values converge in the asymptotic limit. We previously developed a class of mean tracking (MT) observers for open harmonic oscillators that only converged in mean position and momentum; Here we develop a class of covariance matrix tracking (CMT) coherent observers that track both the mean and covariance matrix of a quantum plant. We derive necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of a CMT observer, and find there are more restrictions on a CMT observer than there are on a MT observer. We give examples where we demonstrate how to design a CMT observer and show it can be used to track properties like the entanglement of a plant. As the CMT observer provides more quantum information than a MT observer, we expect it will have greater application in future coherent feedback schemes mediated by coherent observers. Investigation of coherent quantum estimators and observers is important in the ongoing discussion of quantum measurement; As they provide estimation of a systems quantum state without explicit use of the measurement postulate in their derivation.
138 - Nina H. Amini , Zibo Miao , Yu Pan 2014
The purpose of this paper is to study the problem of generalizing the Belavkin-Kalman filter to the case where the classical measurement signal is replaced by a fully quantum non-commutative output signal. We formulate a least mean squares estimation problem that involves a non-commutative system as the filter processing the non-commutative output signal. We solve this estimation problem within the framework of non-commutative probability. Also, we find the necessary and sufficient conditions which make these non-commutative estimators physically realizable. These conditions are restrictive in practice.
92 - Yu Pan , Hadis Amini , Zibo Miao 2014
Quantum Markovian systems, modeled as unitary dilations in the quantum stochastic calculus of Hudson and Parthasarathy, have become standard in current quantum technological applications. This paper investigates the stability theory of such systems. Lyapunov-type conditions in the Heisenberg picture are derived in order to stabilize the evolution of system operators as well as the underlying dynamics of the quantum states. In particular, using the quantum Markov semigroup associated with this quantum stochastic differential equation, we derive sufficient conditions for the existence and stability of a unique and faithful invariant quantum state. Furthermore, this paper proves the quantum invariance principle, which extends the LaSalle invariance principle to quantum systems in the Heisenberg picture. These results are formulated in terms of algebraic constraints suitable for engineering quantum systems that are used in coherent feedback networks.
This paper considers the physical realizability condition for multi-level quantum systems having polynomial Hamiltonian and multiplicative coupling with respect to several interacting boson fields. Specifically, it generalizes a recent result the authors developed for two-level quantum systems. For this purpose, the algebra of SU(n) was incorporated. As a consequence, the obtained condition is given in terms of the structure constants of SU(n).
Coherent feedback control considers purely quantum controllers in order to overcome disadvantages such as the acquisition of suitable quantum information, quantum error correction, etc. These approaches lack a systematic characterization of quantum realizability. Recently, a condition characterizing when a system described as a linear stochastic differential equation is quantum was developed. Such condition was named physical realizability, and it was developed for linear quantum systems satisfying the quantum harmonic oscillator canonical commutation relations. In this context, open two-level quantum systems escape the realm of the current known condition. When compared to linear quantum system, the challenges in obtaining such condition for such systems radicate in that the evolution equation is now a bilinear quantum stochastic differential equation and that the commutation relations for such systems are dependent on the system variables. The goal of this paper is to provide a necessary and sufficient condition for the preservation of the Pauli commutation relations, as well as to make explicit the relationship between this condition and physical realizability.

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