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Preservation of Commutation Relations and Physical Realizability of Open Two-Level Quantum Systems

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 Publication date 2012
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Coherent feedback control considers purely quantum controllers in order to overcome disadvantages such as the acquisition of suitable quantum information, quantum error correction, etc. These approaches lack a systematic characterization of quantum realizability. Recently, a condition characterizing when a system described as a linear stochastic differential equation is quantum was developed. Such condition was named physical realizability, and it was developed for linear quantum systems satisfying the quantum harmonic oscillator canonical commutation relations. In this context, open two-level quantum systems escape the realm of the current known condition. When compared to linear quantum system, the challenges in obtaining such condition for such systems radicate in that the evolution equation is now a bilinear quantum stochastic differential equation and that the commutation relations for such systems are dependent on the system variables. The goal of this paper is to provide a necessary and sufficient condition for the preservation of the Pauli commutation relations, as well as to make explicit the relationship between this condition and physical realizability.

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The goal of this paper is to provide conditions under which a quantum stochastic differential equation (QSDE) preserves the commutation and anticommutation relations of the SU(n) algebra, and thus describes the evolution of an open n-level quantum system. One of the challenges in the approach lies in the handling of the so-called anomaly coefficients of SU(n). Then, it is shown that the physical realizability conditions recently developed by the authors for open n-level quantum systems also imply preservation of commutation and anticommutation relations.
This paper considers the physical realizability condition for multi-level quantum systems having polynomial Hamiltonian and multiplicative coupling with respect to several interacting boson fields. Specifically, it generalizes a recent result the authors developed for two-level quantum systems. For this purpose, the algebra of SU(n) was incorporated. As a consequence, the obtained condition is given in terms of the structure constants of SU(n).
The robustness of quantum control in the presence of uncertainties is important for practical applications but their quantum nature poses many challenges for traditional robust control. In addition to uncertainties in the system and control Hamiltonians and initial state preparation, there is uncertainty about interactions with the environment leading to decoherence. This paper investigates the robust performance of control schemes for open quantum systems subject to such uncertainties. A general formalism is developed, where performance is measured based on the transmission of a dynamic perturbation or initial state preparation error to a final density operator error. This formulation makes it possible to apply tools from classical robust control, especially structured singular value analysis, to assess robust performance of controlled, open quantum systems. However, there are additional difficulties that must be overcome, especially at low frequency ($sapprox0$). For example, at $s=0$, the Bloch equations for the density operator are singular, and this causes lack of continuity of the structured singular value. We address this issue by analyzing the dynamics on invariant subspaces and defining a pseudo-inverse that enables us to formulate a specialized version of the matrix inversion lemma. The concepts are demonstrated with an example of two qubits in a leaky cavity under laser driving fields and spontaneous emission. In addition, a new performance index is introduced for this system. Instead of the tracking or transfer fidelity error, performance is measured by the steady-steady entanglement generated, which is quantified by a non-linear function of the system state called concurrence. Simulations show that there is no conflict between this performance index, its log-sensitivity and stability margin under decoherence, unlike for conventional control problems [...].
This paper aims to provide conditions under which a quantum stochastic differential equation can serve as a model for interconnection of a bilinear system evolving on an operator group SU(2) and a linear quantum system representing a quantum harmonic oscillator. To answer this question we derive algebraic conditions for the preservation of canonical commutation relations (CCRs) of quantum stochastic differential equations (QSDE) having a subset of system variables satisfying the harmonic oscillator CCRs, and the remaining variables obeying the CCRs of SU(2). Then, it is shown that from the physical realizability point of view such QSDEs correspond to bilinear-linear quantum cascades.
Quantum walks are a promising framework that can be used to both understand and implement quantum information processing tasks. The quantum stochastic walk is a recently developed framework that combines the concept of a quantum walk with that of a classical random walk, through open system evolution of a quantum system. Quantum stochastic walks have been shown to have applications in as far reaching fields as artificial intelligence. However, there are significant constraints on the kind of open system evolutions that can be realized in a physical experiment. In this work, we discuss the restrictions on the allowed open system evolution, and the physical assumptions underpinning them. We show that general implementations would require the complete solution of the underlying unitary dynamics, and sophisticated reservoir engineering, thus weakening the benefits of experimental investigations.
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