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The Ising model on annealed complex networks with degree distribution decaying algebraically as $p(K)sim K^{-lambda}$ has a second-order phase transition at finite temperature if $lambda> 3$. In the absence of space dimensionality, $lambda$ controls the transition strength; mean-field theory applies for $lambda >5$ but critical exponents are $lambda$-dependent if $lambda < 5$. Here we show that, as for regular lattices, the celebrated Lee-Yang circle theorem is obeyed for the former case. However, unlike on regular lattices where it is independent of dimensionality, the circle theorem fails on complex networks when $lambda < 5$. We discuss the importance of this result for both theory and experiments on phase transitions and critical phenomena. We also investigate the finite-size scaling of Lee-Yang zeros in both regimes as well as the multiplicative logarithmic corrections which occur at $lambda=5$.
We revisit our recent study [Predicting results of the Research Excellence Framework using departmental h-index, Scientometrics, 2014, 1-16; arXiv:1411.1996] in which we attempted to predict outcomes of the UKs Research Excellence Framework (REF~2014) using the so-called departmental $h$-index. Here we report that our predictions failed to anticipate with any accuracy either overall REF outcomes or movements of individual institutions in the rankings relative to their positions in the previous Research Assessment Exercise (RAE~2008).
We discuss the non-self-averaging phenomena in the critical point of weakly disordered Ising ferromagnet. In terms of the renormalized replica Ginzburg-Landau Hamiltonian in dimensions D <4, we derive an explicit expression for the probability distribution function (PDF) of the critical free energy fluctuations. In particular, using known fixed-point values for the renormalized coupling parameters, we obtain the universal curve for such PDF in the dimension D=3. It is demonstrated that this function is strongly asymmetric: its left tail is much slower than the right one.
The Potts model is one of the most popular spin models of statistical physics. The prevailing majority of work done so far corresponds to the lattice version of the model. However, many natural or man-made systems are much better described by the topology of a network. We consider the q-state Potts model on an uncorrelated scale-free network for which the node-degree distribution manifests a power-law decay governed by the exponent lambda. We work within the mean-field approximation, since for systems on random uncorrelated scale-free networks this method is known to often give asymptotically exact results. Depending on particular values of q and lambda one observes either a first-order or a second-order phase transition or the system is ordered at any finite temperature. In a case study, we consider the limit q=1 (percolation) and find a correspondence between the magnetic exponents and those describing percolation on a scale-free network. Interestingly, logarithmic corrections to scaling appear at lambda=4 in this case.
Using data on the Berlin public transport network, the present study extends previous observations of fractality within public transport routes by showing that also the distribution of inter-station distances along routes displays non-trivial power law behaviour. This indicates that the routes may in part also be described as Levy-flights. The latter property may result from the fact that the routes are planned to adapt to fluctuating demand densities throughout the served area. We also relate this to optimization properties of Levy flights.
We present an analysis of the impact of structural disorder on the static scattering function of f-armed star branched polymers in d dimensions. To this end, we consider the model of a star polymer immersed in a good solvent in the presence of structural defects, correlated at large distances r according to a power law sim r^{-a}. In particular, we are interested in the ratio g(f) of the radii of gyration of star and linear polymers of the same molecular weight, which is a universal experimentally measurable quantity. We apply a direct polymer renormalization approach and evaluate the results within the double varepsilon=4-d, delta=4-a-expansion. We find an increase of g(f) with an increasing delta. Therefore, an increase of disorder correlations leads to an increase of the size measure of a star relative to linear polymers of the same molecular weight.
The editorial handling of papers in scientific journals as a human activity process is considered. Using recently proposed approaches of human dynamics theory we examine the probability distributions of random variables reflecting the temporal characteristics of studied processes. The first part of this paper contains our results of analysis of the real data about papers published in scientific journals. The second part is devoted to modeling of time-series connected with editorial work. The purpose of our work is to present new object that can be studied in terms of human dynamics theory and to corroborate the scientometrical application of the results obtained.
In this paper, we show how the method of field theoretical renormalization group may be used to analyze universal shape properties of long polymer chains in porous environment. So far such analytical calculations were primarily focussed on the scaling exponents that govern conformational properties of polymer macromolecules. However, there are other observables that along with the scaling exponents are universal (i.e. independent of the chemical structure of macromolecules and of the solvent) and may be analyzed within the renormalization group approach. Here, we address the question of shape which is acquired by the long flexible polymer macromolecule when it is immersed in a solvent in the presence of a porous environment. This question is of relevance for understanding of the behavior of macromolecules in colloidal solutions, near microporous membranes, and in cellular environment. To this end, we consider a previously suggested model of polymers in d-dimensions [V. Blavatska, C. von Ferber, Yu. Holovatch, Phys. Rev. E, 2001, 64, 041102] in an environment with structural obstacles, characterized by a pair correlation function h(r), that decays with distance r according to a power law: h(r) sim r-a. We apply the field-theoretical renormalization group approach and estimate the size ratio <R_e^2>/<R_G^2 > and the asphericity ratio hat{A}_d up to the first order of a double epsilon=4-d, delta=4-a expansion.
The effectiveness of the perturbative renormalization group approach at fixed space dimension d in the theory of critical phenomena is analyzed. Three models are considered: the O(N) model, the cubic model and the antiferromagnetic model defined on the stacked triangular lattice. We consider all models at fixed d=3 and analyze the resummation procedures currently used to compute the critical exponents. We first show that, for the O(N) model, the resummation does not eliminate all non-physical (spurious) fixed points (FPs). Then the dependence of spurious as well as of the Wilson-Fisher FPs on the resummation parameters is carefully studied. The critical exponents at the Wilson-Fisher FP show a weak dependence on the resummation parameters. On the contrary, the exponents at the spurious FP as well as its very existence are strongly dependent on these parameters. For the cubic model, a new stable FP is found and its properties depend also strongly on the resummation parameters. It appears to be spurious, as expected. As for the frustrated models, there are two cases depending on the value of the number of spin components. When N is greater than a critical value Nc, the stable FP shows common characteristic with the Wilson-Fisher FP. On the contrary, for N<Nc, the results obtained at the stable FP are similar to those obtained at the spurious FPs of the O(N) and cubic models. We conclude from this analysis that the stable FP found for N<Nc in frustrated models is spurious. Since Nc>3, we conclude that the transitions for XY and Heisenberg frustrated magnets are of first order.
We show that the critical behaviour of two- and three-dimensional frustrated magnets cannot reliably be described from the known five- and six-loops perturbative renormalization group results. Our conclusions are based on a careful re-analysis of the resummed perturbative series obtained within the zero momentum massive scheme. In three dimensions, the critical exponents for XY and Heisenberg spins display strong dependences on the parameters of the resummation procedure and on the loop order. This behaviour strongly suggests that the fixed points found are in fact spurious. In two dimensions, we find, as in the O(N) case, that there is apparent convergence of the critical exponents but towards erroneous values. As a consequence, the interesting question of the description of the crossover/transition induced by Z2 topological defects in two-dimensional frustrated Heisenberg spins remains open.

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