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We propose a new dark-state cooling method of trapped ion systems in the Lamb-Dicke limit. With application of microwave dressing the ion, we can obtain two electromagnetically induced transparency structures. The heating effects caused by the carrier and the blue sideband transition vanish due to the EIT effects and the final mean phonon numbers can be much less than the recoil limit. Our scheme is robust to fluctuations of microwave power and laser intensities which provides a broad cooling bandwidth to cool motional modes of a linear ion chain. Moreover, it is more suitable to cool four-level ions on a large-scale ion chip.
A tunable double optomechanically induced transparency (OMIT) with a squeezed field is investigated in a system consisting of an optomechanical cavity coupled to a charged nanomechanical resonator via Coulomb interaction. Such a double OMIT can be achieved by adjusting the strength of the Coulomb interaction, and observed even with a single-photon squeezed field at finite temperature. Since it is robust against the cavity decay, but very sensitive to some parameters, such as the environmental temperature, the model under our consideration can be applied as a quantum thermometer for precision measurement of the environmental temperature within the reach of current techniques.
In contrast to the optomechanically induced transparency (OMIT) defined conventionally, the inverse OMIT behaves as coherent absorption of the input lights in the optomechanical systems. We characterize a feasible inverse OMIT in a multi-channel fashion with a double-sided optomechanical cavity system coupled to a nearby charged nanomechanical resonator via Coulomb interaction, where two counter-propagating probe lights can be absorbed via one of the channels or even via three channels simultaneously with the assistance of a strong pump light. Under realistic conditions, we demonstrate the experimental feasibility of our model using two slightly different nanomechanical resonators and the possibility of detecting the energy dissipation of the system. In particular, we find that our model turns to be an unilateral inverse OMIT once the two probe lights are different with a relative phase, and in this case we show the possibility to measure the relative phase precisely.
Routing of photon play a key role in optical communication networks and quantum networks. Although the quantum routing of signals has been investigated in various systems both in theory and experiment, the general form of quantum routing with multi-output terminals still needs to be explored. Here, we propose an experimentally accessible tunable single-photon multi-channel routing scheme using a optomechanics cavity coulomb coupling to a nanomechanical resonator. The router can extract a single-photon from the coherent input signal directly modulate into three different output channels. More important, the two output signal frequencies can be selected by adjusting Coulomb coupling strength. We also demonstrate the vacuum and thermal noise will be insignificant for the optical performance of the single-photon router at temperature of the order of 20 mK. Our proposal may have paved a new avenue towards multi-channel router and quantum network.
166 - Jian-Qi Zhang , Yi Xu , Keyu Xia 2014
Observation of the Fano line shapes is essential to understand properties of the Fano resonance in different physical systems. We explore a tunable Fano resonance by tuning the phase shift in a Mach-Zehnder interferometer (MZI) based on a single-mode nano-optomechanical cavity. The Fano resonance is resulted from the optomechanically induced transparency caused by a nano-mechanical resonator and can be tuned by applying an optomechanical MZI. By tuning the phase shift in one arm of the MZI, we can observe the periodically varying line shapes of the Fano resonance, which represents an elaborate manipulation of the Fano resonance in the nanoscale optomechanics.
The efficient cooling of the nanomechanical resonators is essential to exploration of quantum properties of the macroscopic or mesoscopic systems. We propose such a laser-cooling scheme for a nanomechanical cantilever, which works even for the low-frequency mechanical mode and under weak cooling lasers. The cantilever is attached by a diamond nitrogen-vacancy center under a strong magnetic field gradient and the cooling is assisted by a dynamical Stark-shift gate. Our scheme can effectively enhance the desired cooling efficiency by avoiding the off-resonant and unexpected carrier transitions, and thereby cool the cantilever down to the vicinity of the vibrational ground state in a fast fashion.
Under resonant conditions, a long sequence of landau-zener transitions can lead to Rabi oscillations. Using a nitrogen-vacancy (NV) center spin in diamond, we investigated the interference between more than 100 Landau-Zener processes. We observed the new type of Rabi oscillations of the electron spin resulting from the interference between successive Landau-Zener processes in various regimes, including both slow and fast passages. The combination of the control techniques and the favorable coherent properties of NV centers provides an excellent experimental platform to study a variety of quantum dynamical phenomena.
112 - Baohua Fu , De-Qi Zhang 2012
We show that a compact Kaehler manifold X is a complex torus if both the continuous part and discrete part of some automorphism group G of X are infinite groups, unless X is bimeromorphic to a non-trivial G-equivariant fibration. Some applications to dynamics are given.
97 - Qi Zhang , Jiangbin Gong , 2009
Traditional optical phase imprinting of matter waves is of a dynamical nature. In this paper we show that both Abelian and non-Abelian geometric phases can be optically imprinted onto matter waves, yielding a number of interesting phenomena such as wavepacket re-directing and wavepacket splitting. In addition to their fundamental interest, our results open up new opportunities for robust optical control of matter waves.
126 - Qi Zhang , Peter Hanggi , 2008
Effects of a periodic driving field on Landau-Zener processes are studied using a nonlinear two-mode model that describes the mean-field dynamics of a many-body system. A variety of different dynamical phenomena in different parameter regimes of the driving field are discussed and analyzed. These include shifted, weakened, or enhanced phase dependence of nonlinear Landau-Zener processes, nonlinearity-enhanced population transfer in the adiabatic limit, and Hamiltonian chaos on the mean field level. The emphasis of this work is placed on how the impact of a periodic driving field on Landau-Zener processes with self-interaction differs from those without self-interaction. Aside from gaining understandings of driven nonlinear Landau-Zener processes, our findings can be used to gauge the strength of nonlinearity and for efficient manipulation of the mean-field dynamics of many-body systems.

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