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Improved GRAVITY astrometric accuracy from modeling of optical aberrations

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 نشر من قبل Julia Stadler
 تاريخ النشر 2021
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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The GRAVITY instrument on the ESO VLTI pioneers the field of high-precision near-infrared interferometry by providing astrometry at the $10 - 100,mu$as level. Measurements at such high precision crucially depend on the control of systematic effects. Here, we investigate how aberrations introduced by small optical imperfections along the path from the telescope to the detector affect the astrometry. We develop an analytical model that describes the impact of such aberrations on the measurement of complex visibilities. Our formalism accounts for pupil-plane and focal-plane aberrations, as well as for the interplay between static and turbulent aberrations, and successfully reproduces calibration measurements of a binary star. The Galactic Center observations with GRAVITY in 2017 and 2018, when both Sgr A* and the star S2 were targeted in a single fiber pointing, are affected by these aberrations at a level of less than 0.5 mas. Removal of these effects brings the measurement in harmony with the dual beam observations of 2019 and 2020, which are not affected by these aberrations. This also resolves the small systematic discrepancies between the derived distance $R_0$ to the Galactic Center reported previously.

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Accurate astrometry is a key deliverable for the next generation of multi-conjugate adaptive optics (MCAO) systems. The MCAO Visible Imager and Spectrograph (MAVIS) is being designed for the Very Large Telescope Adaptive Optics Facility and must achi eve 150 $mu$as astrometric precision (50 $mu$as goal). To test this before going on-sky, we have created MAVISIM, a tool to simulate MAVIS images. MAVISIM accounts for three major sources of astrometric error, high- and low-order point spread function (PSF) spatial variability, tip-tilt residual error and static field distortion. When exploring the impact of these three error terms alone, we recover an astrometric accuracy of 50 $mu$as for all stars brighter than $m=19$ in a 30s integration using PSF-fitting photometry. We also assess the feasibility of MAVIS detecting an intermediate mass black hole (IMBH) in a Milky Way globular cluster. We use an N-body simulation of an NGC 3201-like cluster with a central 1500 M$_{odot}$ IMBH as input to MAVISIM and recover the velocity dispersion profile from proper motion measurements. Under favourable astrometric conditions, the dynamical signature of the IMBH is detected with a precision of ~0.20 km/s in the inner ~4 of the cluster where HST is confusion-limited. This precision is comparable to measurements made by Gaia, HST and MUSE in the outer ~60 of the cluster. This study is the first step towards building a science-driven astrometric error budget for an MCAO system and a prediction of what MAVIS could do once on sky.
188 - Sasha Hinkley 2010
The nearby star Alpha Oph (Ras Alhague) is a rapidly rotating A5IV star spinning at ~89% of its breakup velocity. This system has been imaged extensively by interferometric techniques, giving a precise geometric model of the stars oblateness and the resulting temperature variation on the stellar surface. Fortuitously, Alpha Oph has a previously known stellar companion, and characterization of the orbit provides an independent, dynamically-based check of both the host star and the companion mass. Such measurements are crucial to constrain models of such rapidly rotating stars. In this study, we combine eight years of Adaptive Optics imaging data from the Palomar, AEOS, and CFHT telescopes to derive an improved, astrometric characterization of the companion orbit. We also use photometry from these observations to derive a model-based estimate of the companion mass. A fit was performed on the photocenter motion of this system to extract a component mass ratio. We find masses of 2.40^{0.23}_{0.37} solar masses and 0.85^{0.06}_{0.04} solar masses for Alpha Oph A and Alpha Oph B, respectively. Previous orbital studies of this system found a mass too high for this system, inconsistent with stellar evolutionary calculations. Our measurements of the host star mass are more consistent with these evolutionary calculations, but with slightly higher uncertainties. In addition to the dynamically-derived masses, we use IJHK photometry to derive a model-based mass for Alpha Oph B, of 0.77 +/- 0.05 solar masses marginally consistent with the dynamical masses derived from our orbit. Our model fits predict a periastron passage on 2012 April 19, with the two components having a ~50 milliarcsec separation from March to May 2012. A modest amount of interferometric and radial velocity data during this period could provide a mass determination of this star at the few percent level.
420 - A. Bridzius 2009
We investigate the capability of the UBVRIJHK photometric system to quantify star clusters in terms of age, metallicity and color excess by their integrated photometry in the framework of PEGASE single stellar population (SSP) models. The age-metalli city-extinction degeneracy was analyzed for various parameter combinations, assuming different levels of photometric accuracy. We conclude, that most of the parameter degeneracies, typical to the UBVRI photometric system, are broken in the case when the photometry data are supplemented with at least one infrared magnitude of the JHK passbands, with an accuracy better than ~0.05 mag. The presented analysis with no preassumptions on the distribution of photometric errors of star cluster models, provides estimate of the intrinsic capability of any photometric system to determine star cluster parameters from integrated photometry.
The wavelength dependence of atmospheric refraction causes differential chromatic refraction (DCR), whereby objects imaged at different optical/UV wavelengths are observed at slightly different positions in the plane of the detector. Strong spectral features induce changes in the effective wavelengths of broad-band filters that are capable of producing significant positional offsets with respect to standard DCR corrections. We examine such offsets for broad-emission-line (type 1) quasars from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) spanning 0<z<5 and an airmass range of 1.0 to 1.8. These offsets are in good agreement with those predicted by convolving a composite quasar spectrum with the SDSS bandpasses as a function of redshift and airmass. This astrometric information can be used to break degeneracies in photometric redshifts of quasars (or other emission-line sources) and, for extreme cases, may be suitable for determining astrometric redshifts. On the SDSSs southern equatorial stripe, where it is possible to average many multi-epoch measurements, more than 60% of quasars have emission-line-induced astrometric offsets larger than the SDSSs relative astrometric errors of 25-35 mas. Folding these astrometric offsets into photometric redshift estimates yields an improvement of 9% within Delta z+/-0.1. Future multi-epoch synoptic surveys such as LSST and Pan-STARRS could benefit from intentionally making ~10 observations at relatively high airmass (AM~1.4) in order to improve their photometric redshifts for quasars.
The recent increase in well-localised fast radio bursts (FRBs) has facilitated in-depth studies of global FRB host properties, the source circumburst medium, and the potential impacts of these environments on the burst properties. The Australian Squa re Kilometre Array Pathfinder (ASKAP) has localised 11 FRBs with sub-arcsecond to arcsecond precision, leading to sub-galaxy localisation regions in some cases and those covering much of the host galaxy in others. The method used to astrometrically register the FRB image frame for ASKAP, in order to align it with images taken at other wavelengths, is currently limited by the brightness of continuum sources detected in the short-duration (snapshot) voltage data captured by the Commensal Real-Time ASKAP Fast Transients (CRAFT) software correlator, which are used to correct for any frame offsets due to imperfect calibration solutions and estimate the accuracy of any required correction. In this paper, we use dedicated observations of bright, compact radio sources in ASKAPs low- and mid-frequency bands to investigate the typical astrometric accuracy of the positions obtained using this so-called snapshot technique. Having captured these data with both the CRAFT software and ASKAP hardware correlators, we also compare the offset distributions obtained from both data products to estimate a typical offset between the image frames resulting from the differing processing paths, laying the groundwork for future use of the longer-duration, higher signal-to-noise ratio data recorded by the hardware correlator. We find typical offsets between the two frames of $sim 0.6$ and $sim 0.3$ arcsec in the low- and mid-band data, respectively, for both RA and Dec. We also find reasonable agreement between our offset distributions and those of the published FRBs. <Abridged>
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