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Accuracy of Star Cluster Parameters from Integrated UBVRIJHK Photometry

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 نشر من قبل Donatas Narbutis
 تاريخ النشر 2009
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف A. Bridzius

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We investigate the capability of the UBVRIJHK photometric system to quantify star clusters in terms of age, metallicity and color excess by their integrated photometry in the framework of PEGASE single stellar population (SSP) models. The age-metallicity-extinction degeneracy was analyzed for various parameter combinations, assuming different levels of photometric accuracy. We conclude, that most of the parameter degeneracies, typical to the UBVRI photometric system, are broken in the case when the photometry data are supplemented with at least one infrared magnitude of the JHK passbands, with an accuracy better than ~0.05 mag. The presented analysis with no preassumptions on the distribution of photometric errors of star cluster models, provides estimate of the intrinsic capability of any photometric system to determine star cluster parameters from integrated photometry.

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In the last decades we witnessed an increase in studies of open clusters of the Galaxy, especially because of the good determination for a wide range of values of parameters such as age, distance, reddening, and proper motion. The reliable determinat ion of the parameters strongly depends on the photometry available and especially on the U filter, which is used to obtain the color excess E(B-V) through the color-color diagram (U-B) by (B-V) by fitting a zero age main-sequence. Owing to the difficulty of performing photometry in the U band, many authors have tried to obtain E(B-V) without the filter. But because of the near linearity of the color-color diagrams that use the other bands, combined with the fact that most fitting procedures are highly subjective (many done by eye) the reliability of those results has always been questioned. Our group has recently developed, a tool that performs isochrone fitting in open-cluster photometric data with a global optimization algorithm, which removes the need to visually perform the fits and thus removes most of the related subjectivity. Here we apply our method to a set of synthetic clusters and two observed open clusters (Trumpler 1 and Melotte 105) using only photometry for the BVRI bands. Our results show that, considering the cluster structural variance caused only by photometric and Poisson sampling errors, our method is able to recover the synthetic cluster parameters with errors of less than 10% for a wide range of ages, distances, and reddening, which clearly demonstrates its potential. The results obtained for Trumpler 1 and Melotte 105 also agree well with previous literature values.
Star clusters are good tracers for formation and evolution of galaxies. We compared different fitting methods by using spectra (or by combining photometry) to determine the physical parameters. We choose a sample of 17 star clusters in M33, which pre viously lacked spectroscopic observations. The low-resolution spectra were taken with the Xinglong 2.16-m reflector of NAOC. The photometry used in the fitting includes $rm u_{SC}$ and $rm v_{SAGE}$ bands from the SAGE survey, as well as the published $UBVRI$ and $ugriz$ photometry. We firstly derived ages and metallicities with the {sc ULySS} (Vazdekis et al. and {sc pegase-hr}) SSP model and the Bruzual & Charlot (2003) (BC03) stellar population synthesis models for the full-spectrum fitting. The fitting results of both the BC03 and {sc ULySS} models seem consistent with those of previous works as well. Then we add the SAGE $rm u_{SC}$ and $rm v_{SAGE}$ photometry in the spectroscopic fitting with the BC03 models. It seems the results become much better, especially for the Padova 2000+Chabrier IMF set. Finally we add more photometry data, $UBVRI$ and $ugriz$, in the fitting and we found that the results do not improve significantly. Therefore, we conclude that the photometry is useful for improving the fitting results, especially for the blue bands ($lambda <4000$ {AA}), e.g., $rm u_{SC}$ and $rm v_{SAGE}$ band. At last, we discuss the UV-excess for the star clusters and we find five star clusters have UV-excess, based on the $GALEX$ FUV, NUV photometry.
(Abridged) This paper presents integrated magnitude and colours for synthetic clusters. The integrated parameters have been obtained for the whole cluster population as well as for the main-sequence (MS) population of star clusters. We have also esti mated observed integrated magnitudes and colours of MS population of galactic open clusters, LMC and SMC star clusters. It is found that the colour evolution of MS population of star clusters is not affected by the stochastic fluctuations, however these fluctuations significantly affect the colour evolution of the whole cluster population. The fluctuations are maximum in $(V-I)$ colour in the age range 6.7 $<$ log (age) $<$ 7.5. Evolution of integrated colours of MS population of the clusters in the Milky Way, LMC and SMC, obtained in the present study are well explained by the present synthetic cluster model. The observed integrated $(B-V)$ colours of MS population of LMC star clusters having age $geq$ 500 Myr seem to be distributed around $Z=$ 0.004 model, whereas $(V-I)$ colours are found to be more bluer than those predicted by the $Z=$ 0.004 model. $(V-I)$ vs $(B-V)$ two-colour diagram for the MS population of the Milky Way star clusters shows a fair agreement between the observations and present model, however the diagrams for LMC and SMC clusters indicate that observed $(V-I)$ colours are relatively bluer. Possible reasons for this anomaly have been discussed.
The GRAVITY instrument on the ESO VLTI pioneers the field of high-precision near-infrared interferometry by providing astrometry at the $10 - 100,mu$as level. Measurements at such high precision crucially depend on the control of systematic effects. Here, we investigate how aberrations introduced by small optical imperfections along the path from the telescope to the detector affect the astrometry. We develop an analytical model that describes the impact of such aberrations on the measurement of complex visibilities. Our formalism accounts for pupil-plane and focal-plane aberrations, as well as for the interplay between static and turbulent aberrations, and successfully reproduces calibration measurements of a binary star. The Galactic Center observations with GRAVITY in 2017 and 2018, when both Sgr A* and the star S2 were targeted in a single fiber pointing, are affected by these aberrations at a level of less than 0.5 mas. Removal of these effects brings the measurement in harmony with the dual beam observations of 2019 and 2020, which are not affected by these aberrations. This also resolves the small systematic discrepancies between the derived distance $R_0$ to the Galactic Center reported previously.
We performed extensive tests of the accuracy of atmospheric parameter determination for FGK stars based on the spectrum fitting procedure Spectroscopy Made Easy (SME). Our stellar sample consists of 13 objects, including the Sun, in the temperature r ange 5000--6600~K and metallicity range -1.4 -- +0.4. The analysed stars have the advantage of having parameters derived by interferometry. For each star we use spectra obtained with different spectrographs and different signal-to-noise ratios (S/N). For the fitting we adopted three different sets of constraints and test how the derived parameters depend upon the spectral regions (masks) used in SME. We developed and implemented in SME a new method for estimating uncertainties in the resulting parameters based on fitting residuals, partial derivatives, and data uncertainties. For stars in the 5700--6600 K range the best agreement with the effective temperatures derived by interferometry is achieved when spectrum fitting includes the H$alpha$ and H$beta$ lines, while for cooler stars the choice of the mask does not affect the results. The derived atmospheric parameters do not strongly depend on spectral resolution and S/N of the observations, while the uncertainties in temperature and surface gravity increase with increasing effective temperature, with minima at 50~K in Teff and 0.1~dex in log g, for spectra with S/N=150--200. A NLTE analysis of the TiI/TiII and FeI/FeII ionisation equilibria and abundances determined from the atomic CI (NLTE) and molecular CH species supports the parameters we derived with SME by fitting the observed spectra including the hydrogen lines.
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