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Near-Optimal Confidence Sequences for Bounded Random Variables

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 نشر من قبل Qinqing Zheng
 تاريخ النشر 2020
  مجال البحث الهندسة المعلوماتية
والبحث باللغة English

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Many inference problems, such as sequential decision problems like A/B testing, adaptive sampling schemes like bandit selection, are often online in nature. The fundamental problem for online inference is to provide a sequence of confidence intervals that are valid uniformly over the growing-into-infinity sample sizes. To address this question, we provide a near-optimal confidence sequence for bounded random variables by utilizing Bentkus concentration results. We show that it improves on the existing approaches that use the Cram{e}r-Chernoff technique such as the Hoeffding, Bernstein, and Bennett inequalities. The resulting confidence sequence is confirmed to be favorable in both synthetic coverage problems and an application to adaptive stopping algorithms.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

This paper derives time-uniform confidence sequences (CS) for causal effects in experimental and observational settings. A confidence sequence for a target parameter $psi$ is a sequence of confidence intervals $(C_t)_{t=1}^infty$ such that every one of these intervals simultaneously captures $psi$ with high probability. Such CSs provide valid statistical inference for $psi$ at arbitrary stopping times, unlike classical fixed-time confidence intervals which require the sample size to be fixed in advance. Existing methods for constructing CSs focus on the nonasymptotic regime where certain assumptions (such as known bounds on the random variables) are imposed, while doubly robust estimators of causal effects rely on (asymptotic) semiparametric theory. We use sequenti
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In this article, we derive an explicit formula for computing confidence interval for the mean of a bounded random variable. Moreover, we have developed multistage point estimation methods for estimating the mean value with prescribed precision and co nfidence level based on the proposed confidence interval.
220 - T. Royen 2008
For a sample of absolutely bounded i.i.d. random variables with a continuous density the cumulative distribution function of the sample variance is represented by a univariate integral over a Fourier series. If the density is a polynomial or a trigon ometrical polynomial the coefficients of this series are simple finite terms containing only the error function, the exponential function and powers. In more general cases - e.g. for all beta densities - the coefficients are given by some series expansions. The method is generalized to positive semi-definite quadratic forms of bounded independent but not necessarily identically distributed random variables if the form matrix differs from a diagonal matrix D > 0 only by a matrix of rank 1
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In the setting of high-dimensional linear models with Gaussian noise, we investigate the possibility of confidence statements connected to model selection. Although there exist numerous procedures for adaptive point estimation, the construction of ad aptive confidence regions is severely limited (cf. Li, 1989). The present paper sheds new light on this gap. We develop exact and adaptive confidence sets for the best approximating model in terms of risk. One of our constructions is based on a multiscale procedure and a particular coupling argument. Utilizing exponential inequalities for noncentral chi-squared distributions, we show that the risk and quadratic loss of all models within our confidence region are uniformly bounded by the minimal risk times a factor close to one.

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