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Simulating the All-Order Strong Coupling Expansion V: Ising Gauge Theory

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 نشر من قبل Ulli Wolff
 تاريخ النشر 2012
  مجال البحث
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We exactly rewrite the Z(2) lattice gauge theory with standard plaquette action as a random surface model equivalent to the untruncated set of its strong coupling graphs. By extending the worm approach applied to spin models we simulate such surfaces including Polyakov line defects that randomly walk over the lattice. Our Monte Carlo algorithms for the graph ensemble are reasonably efficient but not free of critical slowing down. Polyakov line correlators can be measured in this approach with small relative errors that are independent of the separation. As a first application our results are confronted with effective string theory predictions. In addition, the excess free energy due to twisted boundary conditions becomes an easily accessible observable. Our numerical experiments are in three dimensions, but the method is expected to work in any dimension.

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اقرأ أيضاً

Euclidean strong coupling expansion of the partition function is applied to lattice Yang-Mills theory at finite temperature, i.e. for lattices with a compactified temporal direction. The expansions have a finite radius of convergence and thus are val id only for $beta<beta_c$, where $beta_c$ denotes the nearest singularity of the free energy on the real axis. The accessible temperature range is thus the confined regime up to the deconfinement transition. We have calculated the first few orders of these expansions of the free energy density as well as the screening masses for the gauge groups SU(2) and SU(3). The resulting free energy series can be summed up and corresponds to a glueball gas of the lowest mass glueballs up to the calculated order. Our result can be used to fix the lower integration constant for Monte Carlo calculations of the thermodynamic pressure via the integral method, and shows from first principles that in the confined phase this constant is indeed exponentially small. Similarly, our results also explain the weak temperature dependence of glueball screening masses below $T_c$, as observed in Monte Carlo simulations. Possibilities and difficulties in extracting $beta_c$ from the series are discussed.
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According to recent studies on resurgence scenario of quantum systems, some topological objects with fractional charges play an important role to see the resurgence structure. In this talk, we report a numerical evidence of the fractional-instantons of the SU($3$) gauge theory. The fractional-instanton appears in a weak coupling regime, if the theory is regularized by an infrared (IR) cutoff via the $1$-form twisted boundary conditions. The Polyakov loop is also measured to investigate the center symmetry and confinement. The fractional-instanton corresponds to a solution linking two of degenerate $mathbb{Z}_3$-broken vacua in the deconfinement phase. This talk is based on the paper[1].
147 - Partha Mukhopadhyay 2012
We consider tubular neighborhood of an arbitrary submanifold embedded in a (pseudo-)Riemannian manifold. This can be described by Fermi normal coordinates (FNC) satisfying certain conditions as described by Florides and Synge in cite{FS}. By generali zing the work of Muller {it et al} in cite{muller} on Riemann normal coordinate expansion, we derive all order FNC expansion of vielbein in this neighborhood with closed form expressions for the curvature expansion coefficients. Our result is shown to be consistent with certain integral theorem for the metric proved in cite{FS}.
We explore aspects of the phase structure of SU(2) and SU(3) lattice gauge theories at strong coupling with many flavours $N_f$ of Wilson fermions in the fundamental representation. The pseudoscalar meson mass as a function of hopping parameter is ob served to deviate from the expected analytic dependence, at least for sufficiently large $N_f$. Implications of this effect are discussed, including the relevance to recent searches for an infrared fixed point.
127 - John Preskill 2018
Forthcoming exascale digital computers will further advance our knowledge of quantum chromodynamics, but formidable challenges will remain. In particular, Euclidean Monte Carlo methods are not well suited for studying real-time evolution in hadronic collisions, or the properties of hadronic matter at nonzero temperature and chemical potential. Digital computers may never be able to achieve accurate simulations of such phenomena in QCD and other strongly-coupled field theories; quantum computers will do so eventually, though Im not sure when. Progress toward quantum simulation of quantum field theory will require the collaborative efforts of quantumists and field theorists, and though the physics payoff may still be far away, its worthwhile to get started now. Todays research can hasten the arrival of a new era in which quantum simulation fuels rapid progress in fundamental physics.
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