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The magnetic field in the NGC 2024 FIR 5 dense core

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 نشر من قبل Felipe Alves
 تاريخ النشر 2010
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We used the Submillimeter Array (SMA) to observe the thermal polarized dust emission from the protostellar source NGC 2024 FIR 5. The polarized emission outlines a partial hourglass morphology for the plane-of-sky component of the core magnetic field. Our data are consistent with previous BIMA maps, and the overall magnetic field geometries obtained with both instruments are similar. We resolve the main core into two components, FIR 5A and FIR 5B. A possible explanation for the asymmetrical field lies in depolarization effects due to the lack of internal heating from FIR 5B source, which may be in a prestellar evolutionary state. The field strength was estimated to be 2.2 mG, in agreement with previous BIMA data. We discuss the influence of a nearby H{sc ii} region over the field lines at scales of $sim 0.01$ pc. Although the hot component is probably compressing the molecular gas where the dust core is embedded, it is unlikely that the radiation pressure exceeds the magnetic tension. Finally, a complex outflow morphology is observed in CO (3 $rightarrow$ 2) maps. Unlike previous maps, several features associated with dust condensations other than FIR 5 are detected.

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Theoretical and numerical works indicate that a strong magnetic field should suppress fragmentation in dense cores. However, this has never been tested observationally in a relatively large sample of fragmenting massive dense cores. Here we use the p olarization data obtained in the Submillimeter Array Legacy Survey of Zhang et al. to build a sample of 18 massive dense cores where both fragmentation and magnetic field properties are studied in a uniform way. We measured the fragmentation level, Nmm, within the field of view common to all regions, of 0.15 pc, with a mass sensitivity of about 0.5 Msun, and a spatial resolution of about 1000 au. In order to obtain the magnetic field strength using the Davis-Chandrasekhar-Fermi method, we estimated the dispersion of the polarization position angles, the velocity dispersion of the H13CO+(4-3) gas, and the density of each core, all averaged within 0.15 pc. A strong correlation is found between Nmm and the average density of the parental core, although with significant scatter. When large-scale systematic motions are separated from the velocity dispersion and only the small-scale (turbulent) contribution is taken into account, a tentative correlation is found between Nmm and the mass-to-flux ratio, as suggested by numerical and theoretical works.
NGC 2024, a sites of massive star formation, have complex internal structures caused by cal heating by young stars, outflows, and stellar winds. These complex cloud structures lead to intricate emission line shapes. The goal of this paper is to show that the complex line shapes of 12 CO lines in NGC 2024 can be explained consistently with a model, whose temperature and velocity structure are based on the well-established scenario of a PDR and the Blister model. We present velocity-resolved spectra of seven CO lines ranging from J=3 to J=13, and we combined these data with CO high-frequency data from the ISO satellite. We find that the bulk of the molecular cloud associated with NGC 2024 consists of warm (75 K) and dense (9e5 cm-3) gas. An additional hot (~ 300 K) component, located at the interface of the HII region and the molecular cloud, is needed to explain the emission of the high-J CO lines. Deep absorption notches indicate that very cold material (20 K) exists in front of the warm material, too. A temperature and column density structure consistent with those predicted by PDR models, combined with the velocity structure of a Blister model, appropriately describes the observed emission line profiles of this massive star forming region. This case study of NGC 2024 shows that, with physical insights into these complex regions and careful modeling, multi-line observations of CO can be used to derive detailed physical conditions in massive star forming regions.
We report 850~$mu$m dust polarization observations of a low-mass ($sim$12 $M_{odot}$) starless core in the $rho$ Ophiuchus cloud, Ophiuchus C, made with the POL-2 instrument on the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (JCMT) as part of the JCMT B-fields In STar-forming Region Observations (BISTRO) survey. We detect an ordered magnetic field projected on the plane of sky in the starless core. The magnetic field across the $sim$0.1~pc core shows a predominant northeast-southwest orientation centering between $sim$40$^circ$ to $sim$100$^circ$, indicating that the field in the core is well aligned with the magnetic field in lower-density regions of the cloud probed by near-infrared observations and also the cloud-scale magnetic field traced by Planck observations. The polarization percentage ($P$) decreases with an increasing total intensity ($I$) with a power-law index of $-$1.03 $pm$ 0.05. We estimate the plane-of-sky field strength ($B_{mathrm{pos}}$) using modified Davis-Chandrasekhar-Fermi (DCF) methods based on structure function (SF), auto-correlation (ACF), and unsharp masking (UM) analyses. We find that the estimates from the SF, ACF, and UM methods yield strengths of 103 $pm$ 46 $mu$G, 136 $pm$ 69 $mu$G, and 213 $pm$ 115 $mu$G, respectively. Our calculations suggest that the Ophiuchus C core is near magnetically critical or slightly magnetically supercritical (i.e. unstable to collapse). The total magnetic energy calculated from the SF method is comparable to the turbulent energy in Ophiuchus C, while the ACF method and the UM method only set upper limits for the total magnetic energy because of large uncertainties.
A recent survey of the inner $0.35times0.35$pc of the NGC 2024 star forming region revealed two distinct millimetre continuum disc populations that appear to be spatially segregated by the boundary of a dense cloud. The eastern (and more embedded) po pulation is $sim0.2-0.5$Myr old, with an ALMA mm continuum disc detection rate of about $45,$per cent. However this drops to only $sim15$per cent in the 1Myr western population. When presenting this result, van Terwisga et al. (2020) suggested that the two main UV sources, IRS 1 (a B0.5V star in the western region) and IRS 2b (an O8V star in the eastern region, but embedded) have both been evaporating the discs in the depleted western population. In this paper we report the firm discovery in archival HST data of 4 proplyds and 4 further candidate proplyds in NGC 2024, confirming that external photoevaporation of discs is occurring. However, the locations of these proplyds changes the picture. Only three of them are in the depleted western population and their evaporation is dominated by IRS 1, with no obvious impact from IRS 2b. The other 5 proplyds are in the younger eastern region and being evaporated by IRS 2b. We propose that both populations are subject to significant external photoevaporation, which happens throughout the region wherever discs are not sufficiently shielded by the interstellar medium. The external photoevaporation and severe depletion of mm grains in the 0.2-0.5Myr eastern part of NGC 2024 would be in competition even with very early planet formation.
Detailed magnetic field structure of the dense core SL42 (CrA-E) in the Corona Australis molecular cloud complex was investigated based on near-infrared polarimetric observations of background stars to measure dichroically polarized light produced by magnetically aligned dust grains. The magnetic fields in and around SL42 were mapped using 206 stars and curved magnetic fields were identified. On the basis of simple hourglass (parabolic) magnetic field modeling, the magnetic axis of the core on the plane of sky was estimated to be $40^{circ} pm 3^{circ}$. The plane-of-sky magnetic field strength of SL42 was found to be $22.4 pm 13.9$ $mu$G. Taking into account the effects of thermal/turbulent pressure and the plane-of-sky magnetic field component, the critical mass of SL42 was obtained to be $M_{rm cr} = 21.2 pm 6.6$ M$_{odot}$, which is close to the observed core mass of $M_{rm core} approx 20$ M$_{odot}$. We thus conclude that SL42 is in a condition close to the critical state if the magnetic fields lie near the plane of the sky. Since there is a very low luminosity object (VeLLO) toward the center of SL42, it is unlikely this core is in a highly subcritical condition (i.e., magnetic inclination angle significantly deviated from the plane of sky). The core probably started to collapse from a nearly kinematically critical state. In addition to the hourglass magnetic field modeling, the Inoue & Fukui (2013) mechanism may explain the origin of the curved magnetic fields in the SL42 region.
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