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إنسياب الطاقة للفرميونات الشيرالية مع الجهد الكيميائي

Energy density for chiral lattice fermions with chemical potential

95   0   0.0 ( 0 )
 نشر من قبل Christof Gattringer
 تاريخ النشر 2007
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English

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We study a recently proposed formulation of overlap fermions at finite density. In particular we compute the energy density as a function of the chemical potential and the temperature. It is shown that overlap fermions with chemical potential reproduce the correct continuum behavior.

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اقرأ أيضاً

59 - Tatsuhiro Misumi 2012
We discuss the chiral phase diagram in the parameter space of lattice QCD with minimal-doubling fermions, which can be seen as lattice fermions with flavored chemical potential terms. We study strong-coupling lattice QCD with the Karsten-Wilczek form ulation, which has one relevant parameter $mu_{3}$ as well as gauge coupling and a mass parameter. We find a nontrivial chiral phase structure with a second-order phase transition between chiral symmetric and broken phases. To capture the whole structure of the phase diagram, we study the related lattice Gross-Neveu model. The result indicates that the chiral phase transition also exists in the weak-coupling region. From these results we speculate on the $mu_{3}$-$g^{2}$ chiral phase diagram in lattice QCD with minimal-doubling fermions, and discuss their application to numerical simulations.
We study the phase structure of imaginary chemical potential. We calculate the Polyakov loop using clover-improved Wilson action and renormalization improved gauge action. We obtain a two-state signals indicating the first order phase transition fo r $beta = 1.9, mu_I = 0.2618, kappa=0.1388$ on $8^3times 4$ lattice volume We also present a result of the matrix reduction formula for the Wilson fermion.
Recently a formulation of overlap fermions at finite density based on an analytic continuation of the sign function was proposed. We study this proposal by analyzing the energy and number densities for free fermions as a function of the chemical pote ntial and the temperature. Our results show that overlap fermions with chemical potential give rise to the correct continuum behavior.
The order of the thermal transition in the chiral limit of QCD with two dynamical flavours of quarks is a long-standing issue. Still, it is not definitely known whether the transition is of first or second order in the continuum limit. Which of the t wo scenarios is realized has important implications for the QCD phase diagram and the existence of a critical endpoint at finite densities. Settling this issue by simulating at successively decreased pion mass was not conclusive yet. Recently, an alternative approach was proposed, extrapolating the first order phase transition found at imaginary chemical potential to zero chemical potential with known exponents, which are induced by the Roberge-Weiss symmetry. For staggered fermions on $N_t=4$ lattices, this results in a first order transition in the chiral limit. Here we report of $N_t=4$ simulations with Wilson fermions, where the first order region is found to be large.
The phase diagram of two-color QCD with a chiral chemical potential is studied on the lattice. The focus is on the confinement/deconfinement phase transition and the breaking/restoration of chiral symmetry. The simulations are carried out with dynami cal staggered fermions without rooting. The dependence of the Polyakov loop, the chiral condensate and the corresponding susceptibilities on the chiral chemical potential and the temperature are presented.
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