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New extraction of color-octet NRQCD matrix elements from charmonium hadroproduction

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 نشر من قبل Miguel A. Sanchis-Lozano
 تاريخ النشر 1999
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English

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We re-analyze Tavatron data on charmonium hadroproduction in the framework of the color-octet model implemented in the event generator PYTHIA taking into account initial-state radiation of gluons and Altarelli-Parisi evolution of final-state gluons fragmenting into $cbar{c}$ pairs. We obtain new values for the color-octet matrix elements relevant to this production process. We discuss the sensitivity of our results to the transverse momentum lower cut-off employed in the generation to avoid the problematic $p_t{to}0$ region, arguing about the reliability of our previous extraction of the NRQCD matrix elements for the $^3S_1^{(8)}$ and $^1S_0^{(8)}+^3P_J^{(8)}$ contributions. Finally we extrapolate to LHC energies to get predictions on the $J/psi$ direct production rate.

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61 - J.P. Ma , Z.G. Si 2005
The approach of nonrelativistic QCD(NRQCD) factorization was proposed to study inclusive production of a quarkonium. It is widely used and successful. However, a recent study of gluon fragmentation into a quarkonium at two-loop level shows that the f actorization is broken. It is suggested that the color-octet NRQCD matrix elements should be modified by adding a gauge link to restore the factorization. The modified matrix elements may have extra soft-divergences at one-loop level which the unmodified can not have, and this can lead to a violation of the universality of these matrix elements. In this letter, we examine in detail the NRQCD factorization for inclusive quarkonium production in $e^+ e^-$ annihilation at one-loop level. Our results show that the factorization can be made without the modification of NRQCD matrix elements and it can also be made for relativistic corrections. It turns out that the suggested gauge link will not lead to nonzero contributions to color-octet NRQCD matrix elements at one-loop level and at any order of $v$. Therefore the universality holds at least at one-loop level.
197 - A.N. Akay 2014
IceCube collaboration has published two papers on ultrahigh energy neutrinos observation, recently. They have used the data collected in two years in their first publication, which reveals observation of two PeV energy neutrino events. The second pub lication of the collaboration including more data has also confirmed main features of the former paper. In literature, various interpretations of the IceCube data have been proposed. In this study, it is shown that PeV energy neutrino events observed by the IceCube collaboration can be interpreted as resonance production of color octet neutrinos with masses in $500-800$ GeV range.
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