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Color Octet Scalar Production at the LHC

137   0   0.0 ( 0 )
 نشر من قبل Moira Gresham
 تاريخ النشر 2007
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English

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New physics at the weak scale that can couple to quarks typically gives rise to unacceptably large flavor changing neutral currents. An attractive way to avoid this problem is to impose the principal of minimal flavor violation (MFV). Recently it was noted that in MFV only scalars with the same gauge quantum numbers as the standard model Higgs doublet or color octet scalars with the same weak quantum numbers as the Higgs doublet can couple to quarks. In this paper we compute the one-loop rate for production of a single color octet scalar through gluon fusion at the LHC, which can become greater than the tree level pair production rate for octet scalar masses around a TeV. We also calculate the precision electroweak constraint from Z decays to a b and anti-b quark; this constraint on color octet mass and Yukawa coupling affects the allowed range for single octet scalar production through gluon fusion.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

Elements of the phenomenology of color-octet scalars (sgluons), as predicted in the hybrid N=1/N=2 supersymmetric model, are discussed in the light of forthcoming experiments at the CERN Large Hadron Collider.
The color gauge hyper-multiplet in N=2 supersymmetry consists of the usual N=1 gauge vector/gaugino super-multiplet, joined with a novel gaugino/scalar super-multiplet. Large cross sections are predicted for the production of pairs of the color-octet scalars $sigma$ [sgluons] at the LHC: $gg, qbar{q} to sigmasigma^{ast}$. Single $sigma$ production is possible at one-loop level, but the $g gto sigma$ amplitude vanishes in the limit of degenerate $L$ and $R$ squarks. When kinematically allowed, $sigma$ decays predominantly into two gluinos, whose cascade decays give rise to a burst of eight or more jets together with four LSPs as signature for $sigma$ pair events at the LHC. $sigma$ can also decay into a squark-antisquark pair at tree level. At one-loop level $sigma$ decays into gluons or a $t bar t$ pair are predicted, generating exciting resonance signatures in the final states. The corresponding partial widths are very roughly comparable to that for three body final states mediated by one virtual squark at tree level.
We consider a color octet scalar particle and its exotic decay in the channel gluon-$gamma$ using an effective Lagrangian description for its strong and electromagnetic interactions. Such a state is present in many extensions of the Standard Model, a nd in particular in composite Higgs models with top partial compositeness, where couplings to photons arise via the Wess-Zumino-Witten term. We find that final states with one or two photons allow for a better reach at the LHC, even for small branching ratios. Masses up to $1.2$ TeV can be probed at the HL-LHC by use of all final states. Finally, we estimate the sensitivity of the hadronic FCC.
150 - M. Sahin 2013
In this work, we investigated resonant production of spin-3/2 color octet electron at the Large Hadron electron Collider (LHeC). Signal and background analysis have been performed and discovery, observation and exclusion limits are determined for spi n 3/2 color octet electron masses. Reachable values of the compositeness scale are presented as a function of the spin-3/2 color octet electron masses.
The presence of colored particles can affect both the single and the pair Higgs productions substantially. For scalar particles, this happens if their portal couplings to the Standard Model Higgs are large and their masses are not too high. In the pr esent work these processes are studied in the case of several leptoquarks which may appear in many beyond Standard Model theories. It is found that the constraints on the portal couplings from the single Higgs production and the decays to various channels measured by the LHC experiments still allow increased Higgs pair production rate. For the masses in the range from 180 GeV to 300 GeV, depending on the strength of such portal couplings, the Higgs pair production may reach an order to several hundred in magnitude larger rate than the Standard Model case for the 8 TeV run. Therefore, combined with the on going searches for leptoquarks by both the CMS and ATLAS, this is one of the possible scenarios to be probed directly by the current data. The current study demonstrates that if colored scalars modify scalar potentials through portal couplings, which has been studied for variety of motivations such as playing a potentially important role in electroweak phase transition, composite models or radiative neutrino masses, this fact may appear as the modified Higgs pair production.
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