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Strongly correlated fermions after a quantum quench

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 نشر من قبل Salvatore Manmana
 تاريخ النشر 2006
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Using the adaptive time-dependent density-matrix renormalization group method, we study the time evolution of strongly correlated spinless fermions on a one-dimensional lattice after a sudden change of the interaction strength. For certain parameter values, two different initial states (e.g., metallic and insulating), lead to observables which become indistinguishable after relaxation. We find that the resulting quasi-stationary state is non-thermal. This result holds for both integrable and non-integrable variants of the system.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

Using the adaptive time-dependent density matrix renormalization group, we study the time evolution of density correlations of interacting spinless fermions on a one-dimensional lattice after a sudden change in the interaction strength. Over a broad range of model parameters, the correlation function exhibits a characteristic light-cone-like time evolution representative of a ballistic transport of information. Such behavior is observed both when quenching an insulator into the metallic region and also when quenching within the insulating region. However, when a metallic state beyond the quantum critical point is quenched deep into the insulating regime, no indication for ballistic transport is observed. Instead, stable domain walls in the density correlations emerge during the time evolution, consistent with the predictions of the Kibble-Zurek mechanism.
126 - C. Pineda , T. Barthel , J. Eisert 2009
We introduce a scheme for efficiently describing pure states of strongly correlated fermions in higher dimensions using unitary circuits featuring a causal cone. A local way of computing local expectation values is presented. We formulate a dynamical reordering scheme, corresponding to time-adaptive Jordan-Wigner transformation, that avoids nonlocal string operators. Primitives of such a reordering scheme are highlighted. Fermionic unitary circuits can be contracted with the same complexity as in the spin case. The scheme gives rise to a variational description of fermionic models not suffering from a sign problem. We present numerical examples on $9times 9$ and $6times 6$ fermionic lattice model to show the functioning of the approach.
266 - Bo-lun Chen , Su-peng Kou 2009
Recent experiments on quantum degenerate gases give an opportunity for simulating strongly-correlated electronic systems in optical lattices. It may shed light on some long-standing puzzles in condensed-matter physics, like the nature of high-tempera ture superconductivity in cuprates that had baffled people over two decades. It is believed that the two-dimensional fermionic Hubbard model, or t-J model, contains the key to this problem; but the difficulty of unveiling the mystery of a strongly-interacting fermionic system is also generally acknowledged. Here, as a substitute, we systematically analyze the property of bosonic t-J model simulated in optical superlattices near unit-filling. In particular, we show the emergence of a strange topological Fermi liquid with Fermi surfaces from a purely bosonic system. We also discuss the possibility of observing these phenomena in ultracold atom experiments. The result may provide some crucial insights into the origin of high-T_{c} superconductivity.
We analyze the strongly correlated regime of a two-component trapped ultracold fermionic gas in a synthetic non-Abelian U(2) gauge potential, that consists of both a magnetic field and a homogeneous spin-orbit coupling. This gauge potential deforms t he Landau levels (LLs) with respect to the Abelian case and exchanges their ordering as a function of the spin-orbit coupling. In view of experimental realizations, we show that a harmonic potential combined with a Zeeman term, gives rise to an angular momentum term, which can be used to test the stability of the correlated states obtained through interactions. We derive the Haldane pseudopotentials (HPs) describing the interspecies contact interaction within a lowest LL approximation. Unlike ordinary fractional quantum Hall systems and ultracold bosons with short-range interactions in the same gauge potential, the HPs for sufficiently strong non-Abelian fields show an unconventional non-monotonic behaviour in the relative angular momentum. Exploiting this property, we study the occurrence of new incompressible ground states as a function of the total angular momentum. In the first deformed Landau level (DLL) we obtain Laughlin and Jain states. Instead, in the second DLL three classes of stabilized states appear: Laughlin states, a series of intermediate strongly correlated states and finally vortices of the integer quantum Hall state. Remarkably, in the intermediate regime, the non-monotonic HPs of the second DLL induce two-particle correlations which are reminiscent of paired states such as the Haffnian state. Via exact diagonalization in the disk geometry, we compute experimentally relevant observables such as density profiles and correlations, and we study the entanglement spectra as a further tool to characterize the obtained strongly correlated states.
Quantum entanglement and its main quantitative measures, the entanglement entropy and entanglement negativity, play a central role in many body physics. An interesting twist arises when the system considered has symmetries leading to conserved quanti ties: Recent studies introduced a way to define, represent in field theory, calculate for 1+1D conformal systems, and measure, the contribution of individual charge sectors to the entanglement measures between different parts of a system in its ground state. In this paper, we apply these ideas to the time evolution of the charge-resolved contributions to the entanglement entropy and negativity after a local quantum quench. We employ conformal field theory techniques and find that the known dependence of the total entanglement on time after a quench, $S_A sim log(t)$, results from $simsqrt{log(t)}$ significant charge sectors, each of which contributes $simsqrt{log(t)}$ to the entropy. We compare our calculation to numerical results obtained by the time-dependent density matrix renormalization group algorithm and exact solution in the noninteracting limit, finding good agreement between all these methods.
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