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Reentrant spin glass behavior in a layered manganite La1.2Sr1.8Mn2O7 single crystals

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 نشر من قبل Seung-Hyun Chun
 تاريخ النشر 2000
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We report here a detailed study of AC/DC magnetization and longitudinal/transverse transport properties of La$_{1.2}$Sr$_{1.8}$Mn$_{2}$O$_{7}$ single crystals below $T_{c}$ = 121 K. We find that the resistivity upturn below 40 K is related to the reentrant spin glass phase at the same temperature, accompanied by additional anomalous Hall effects. The carrier concentration from the ordinary Hall effects remains constant during the transition and is close to the nominal doping level (0.4 holes/Mn). The spin glass behavior comes from the competition between ferromagnetic double exchange and antiferromagnetic superexchange interactions, which leads to phase separation, i.e. a mixture of ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic clusters, representing the canted antiferromagnetic state.

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134 - S. Chatterjee , S. Giri , S. K. De 2008
The ground state properties of the ferromagnetic shape memory alloy of nominal composition Ni2Mn1.36Sn0.64 have been studied by dc magnetization and ac susceptibility measurements. Like few other Ni-Mn based alloys, this sample exhibits exchange bias phenomenon. The observed exchange bias pinning was found to originate right from the temperature where a step-like anomaly is present in the zero-field-cooled magnetization data. The ac susceptibility study indicates the onset of spin glass freezing near this step-like anomaly with clear frequency shift. The sample can be identified as a reentrant spin glass with both ferromagnetic and glassy phases coexisting together at low temperature at least in the field-cooled state. The result provides us an comprehensive view to identify the magnetic character of various Ni-Mn-based shape memory alloys with competing magnetic interactions.
Deterministic oscillations of current-induced metastable resistivity in changing voltage have been detected in La$_{0.82}$Ca$_{0.18}$MnO$_3$ single crystals. At low temperatures, below the Curie point, application of specific bias procedures switches the crystal into metastable resistivity state characterized by appearance of pronounced reproducible and random structures in the voltage dependence of the differential conductivity. In certain bias range equally spaced broad conductivity peaks have been observed. The oscillating conductivity has been tentatively ascribed to resonances in a quantum well within the double tunnel barrier of intrinsic weak-links associated with twin-like defect boundaries.
The single layered manganite Pr$_{0.22}$Sr$_{1.78}$MnO$_4$ undergoes structural transition from high temperature tetragonal phase to low temperature orthorhombic phase below room temperature. The orthorhombic phase was reported to have two structural variants with slightly different lattice parameters and Mn-3$d$ levels show orbital ordering within both the variants, albeit having mutually perpendicular ordering axis. In addition to orbital ordering, the orthorhombic variants also order antiferromagnetically with different Neel temperatures. Our magnetic investigation on the polycrystalline sample of Pr$_{0.22}$Sr$_{1.78}$MnO$_4$ shows large thermal hysteresis indicating the first order nature of the tetragonal to orthorhombic transition. We observe magnetic memory, large relaxation, frequency dependent ac susceptbility and aging effects at low temperature, which indicate spin glass like magnetic ground state in the sample. The glassy magnetic state presumably arises from the interfacial frustration of orthorhombic domains with orbital and spin orderings playing crucial role toward the competing magnetic interactions.
CuAl2O4 is a normal spinel oxide having quantum spin, S=1/2 for Cu2+. It is a rather unique feature that the Cu2+ ions of CuAl2O4 sit at a tetrahedral position, not like the usual octahedral position for many oxides. At low temperatures, it exhibits all the thermodynamic evidence of a quantum spin glass. For example, the polycrystalline CuAl2O4 shows a cusp centered at ~2 K in the low-field dc magnetization data and a clear frequency dependence in the ac magnetic susceptibility while it displays logarithmic relaxation behavior in a time dependence of the magnetization. At the same time, there is a peak at ~2.3 K in the heat capacity, which shifts towards higher temperature with magnetic fields. On the other hand, there is no evidence of new superlattice peaks in the high-resolution neutron powder diffraction data when cooled from 40 to 0.4 K. This implies that there is no long-ranged magnetic order down to 0.4 K, thus confirming a spin glass-like ground state for CuAl2O4. Interestingly, there is no sign of structural distortion either although Cu2+ is a Jahn-Teller active ion. Thus, we claim that an orbital liquid state is the most likely ground state in CuAl2O4. Of further interest, it also exhibits a large frustration parameter, f = Theta_CW/Tm ~67, one of the largest values reported for spinel oxides. Our observations suggest that CuAl2O4 should be a rare example of a frustrated quantum spin glass with a good candidate for an orbital liquid state.
The results of dc and ac magnetization, heat-capacity, 57Fe Moessbauer spectroscopy, dielectric, pyroelectric current and isothermal magneto-capacitance measurements on a recently reported lithium-based oxide, Li3FeRuO6, related to LiCoO2-type rhombo hedral structure (space group, R-3m) are presented. The results reveal that the compound undergoes spin-glass freezing below 15 K. There is a peak around 34 K in pyroelectric data, which can not be attributed to ferroelectricity, but to the phenomenon of thermally stimulated depolarization current. As revealed by magnetocapacitance data above and below magnetic ordering temperature, magnetic and electric dipoles appear to be coupled, thereby offering evidence for magnetodielectric coupling.
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