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Lensing galaxies: light or dark?

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 نشر من قبل Phillip Helbig
 تاريخ النشر 1998
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف N. Jackson

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In a recent paper, Hawkins (1997) argues on the basis of statistical studies of double-image gravitational lenses and lens candidates that a large population of dark lenses exists and that these outnumber galaxies with more normal mass-to-light ratios by a factor of 3:1. If correct, this is a very important result for many areas of astronomy including galaxy formation and cosmology. In this paper we discuss our new radio-selected gravitational lens sample, JVAS/CLASS, in order to test and constrain this proposition. We have obtained ground-based and HST images of all multiple-image lens systems in our sample and in 12 cases out of 12 we find the lensing galaxies in the optical and/or near infrared. Our success in finding lensing galaxies creates problems for the dark lens hypothesis. If it is to survive, ad hoc modifications seem to be necessary: only very massive galaxies (more than about one trillion solar masses) can be dark, and the cutoff in mass must be sharp. Our finding of lens galaxies in all the JVAS/CLASS systems is complementary evidence which supports the conclusion of Kochanek et al. (1997) that many of the wide-separation optically-selected pairs are physically distinct quasars rather than gravitational lens systems.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

275 - Ernest Ma , M. V. N. Murthy , 2015
We consider the case of light dark matter ($sim 10$ GeV). We discuss a simple $Z_2$ model of scalar self-interacting dark matter, as well as a related model of unstable long-lived dark matter which can explain the anomalous Kolar events observed decades ago.
To set useful limits on the abundance of small-scale dark matter halos (subhalos) in a galaxy scale, we have carried out mid-infrared imaging and integral-field spectroscopy for a sample of quadruple lens systems showing anomalous flux ratios. These observations using Subaru have been successful for distinguishing millilensing by subhalos from microlensing by stars. Current status for our lensing analysis of dark matter substructure is reported.
We present a spatially resolved comparison of the stellar-mass and total-mass surface distributions of nine early-type galaxies. The galaxies are a subset of the Sloan Lens ACS survey (or SLACS; Bolton et al. 2006). The total-mass distributions are o btained by exploring pixelated mass models that reproduce the lensed images. The stellar-mass distributions are derived from population synthesis models fit to the photometry of the lensing galaxies. Uncertainties - mainly model degeneracies - are also computed. Stars can account for all the mass in the inner regions. A Salpeter IMF actually gives too much stellar mass in the inner regions and hence appears ruled out. Dark matter becomes significant by the half-light radius and becomes increasingly dominant at larger radii. The stellar and dark components are closely aligned, but the actual ellipticities are not correlated. Finally, we attempt to intuitively summarize the results by rendering the density, stellar-vs-dark ratio, and uncertainties as false-colour maps.
Analytic arguments and numerical simulations show that bosonic ultra-light dark matter (ULDM) would form cored density distributions (`solitons) at the center of galaxies. ULDM solitons offer a promising way to exclude or detect ULDM by looking for a distinctive feature in the central region of galactic rotation curves. Baryonic contributions to the gravitational potential pose an obstacle to such analyses, being (i) dynamically important in the inner galaxy and (ii) highly non-spherical in rotation-supported galaxies, resulting in non-spherical solitons. We present an algorithm for finding the ground state soliton solution in the presence of stationary non-spherical background baryonic mass distribution. We quantify the impact of baryons on the predicted ULDM soliton in the Milky Way and in low surface-brightness galaxies from the SPARC database.
Many gravitationally lensed quasars exhibit flux ratio anomalies that cannot be explained under the hypothesis that the lensing potential is smooth on scales smaller than one kpc. Micro-lensing by stars is a natural source of granularity in the lens potential. The character of the expected fluctuations due to micro-lensing depends sensitively on the relative surface densities of micro-lenses (stars) and smoothly distributed (dark) matter. Observations of flux ratios may therefore be used to infer the ratio of stellar to dark matter along the line of sight -- typically at impact parameters 1.5 times the half light radius. Several recently discovered systems have anomalies that would seem to be explained by micro-lensing only by demanding that 70-90% of the matter along the line of sight be smoothly distributed.
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