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Multi-Wavelength Observations of GRB 050820A: An Exceptionally Energetic Event Followed from Start to Finish

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 نشر من قبل Stephen Cenko
 تاريخ النشر 2006
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We present observations of the unusually bright and long gamma-ray burst GRB 050820A, one of the best-sampled broadband data sets in the Swift era. The gamma-ray light curve is marked by a soft precursor pulse some 200 s before the main event; the lack of any intervening emission suggests that it is due to a physical mechanism distinct from the GRB itself. The large time lag between the precursor and the main emission enabled simultaneous observations in the gamma-ray, X-ray, and optical band-passes, something only achieved for a handful of events to date. While the contemporaneous X-rays are the low-energy tail of the prompt emission, the optical does not directly track the gamma-ray flux. Instead, the early-time optical data appear mostly consistent with the forward shock synchrotron peak passing through the optical, and are therefore likely the beginning of the afterglow. On hour time scales after the burst, the X-ray and optical light curves are inconsistent with an adiabatic expansion of the shock into the surrounding region, but rather indicate that there is a period of energy injection. Observations at late times allow us to constrain the collimation angle of the relativistic outflow to theta = 6.8 - 9.3 degrees. Our estimates of both the kinetic energy of the afterglow and the prompt gamma-ray energy release make GRB 050820A one of the most energetic events for which such values could be determined.

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193 - K.L. Page 2009
GRB 080810 was one of the first bursts to trigger both Swift and the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope. It was subsequently monitored over the X-ray and UV/optical bands by Swift, in the optical by ROTSE and a host of other telescopes and was detected in the radio by the VLA. The redshift of z= 3.355 +/- 0.005 was determined by Keck/HIRES and confirmed by RTT150 and NOT. The prompt gamma/X-ray emission, detected over 0.3-10^3 keV, systematically softens over time, with E_peak moving from ~600 keV at the start to ~40 keV around 100 s after the trigger; alternatively, this spectral evolution could be identified with the blackbody temperature of a quasithermal model shifting from ~60 keV to ~3 keV over the same time interval. The first optical detection was made at 38 s, but the smooth, featureless profile of the full optical coverage implies that this originated from the afterglow component, not the pulsed/flaring prompt emission. Broadband optical and X-ray coverage of the afterglow at the start of the final X-ray decay (~8 ks) reveals a spectral break between the optical and X-ray bands in the range 10^15 - 2x10^16 Hz. The decay profiles of the X-ray and optical bands show that this break initially migrates blueward to this frequency and then subsequently drifts redward to below the optical band by ~3x10^5 s. GRB 080810 was very energetic, with an isotropic energy output for the prompt component of 3x10^53 erg and 1.6x10^52 erg for the afterglow; there is no evidence for a jet break in the afterglow up to six days following the burst.
GRB 050730 is a long duration high-redshift burst (z=3.967) discovered by Swift. The afterglow shows variability and is well monitored over a wide wavelength range. We present comprehensive temporal and spectral analysis of the afterglow of GRB 05073 0 including observations from the millimeter to X-rays. We use multi-wavelength afterglow data to understand the temporal and spectral decay properties with superimposed variability of this high redshift burst. Five telescopes were used to study the decaying afterglow of GRB 050730 in the B, V, r, R, i, I, J and K photometric pass bands. A spectral energy distribution was constructed at 2.9 hours post-burst in the K, J, I, R, V and B bands. X-ray data from the satellites Swift and XMM-Newton were used to study the afterglow evolution at higher energies. The early afterglow shows variability at early times and shows a steepening at ~0.1 days (8.6 ks) in the B, V, r, R, i, I, J and K passbands. The early afterglow light curve decayed with alpha_1 = -0.60+/-0.07 and alpha_2 = -1.71+/-0.06 based on R and I band data. A millimeter detection of the afterglow around 3 days after the burst shows an excess in comparison to predictions. The early X-ray light curve observed by Swift is complex and contains flares. At late times the X-ray light curve can be fit by a powerlaw alpha_x = -2.5+/-0.15 which is steeper than the optical light curve. A spectral energy distribution (SED) was constructed at ~2.9 hours after the burst. An electron energy index, p, of ~ 2.3 was calculated using the SED and the photon index from the X-ray afterglow spectra and indicates that the synchrotron cooling frequency nu_c is above observed frequencies.
We present observations of the afterglow of GRB 080319B at optical, mm and radio frequencies from a few hours to 67 days after the burst. Present observations along with other published multi-wavelength data have been used to study the light-curves a nd spectral energy distributions of the burst afterglow. The nature of this brightest cosmic explosion has been explored based on the observed properties and its comparison with the afterglow models. Our results show that the observed features of the afterglow fits equally good with the Inter Stellar Matter and the Stellar Wind density profiles of the circum-burst medium. In case of both density profiles, location of the maximum synchrotron frequency $ u_m$ is below optical and the value of cooling break frequency $ u_c$ is below $X-$rays, $sim 10^{4}$s after the burst. Also, the derived value of the Lorentz factor at the time of naked eye brightness is $sim 300$ with the corresponding blast wave size of $sim 10^{18}$ cm. The numerical fit to the multi-wavelength afterglow data constraints the values of physical parameters and the emission mechanism of the burst.
In this study, we investigate an extreme ultraviolet (EUV) wave event on 2010 February 11, which occurred as a limb event from the Earth viewpoint and a disk event from the STEREO--B viewpoint. We use the data obtained by the Atmospheric Imaging Asse mbly (AIA) aboard the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) in various EUV channels. The EUV wave event was launched by a partial prominence eruption. Similar to some EUV wave events in previous works, this EUV wave event contains a faster wave with a speed of $sim$445$pm$6 km s$^{-1}$, which we call coronal Moreton wave, and a slower wave with a speed of $sim$298$pm$5 km s$^{-1}$, which we call EIT wave. The coronal Moreton wave is identified as a fast-mode wave and the EIT wave is identified as an apparent propagation due to successive field-line stretching. We also observe a stationary front associated with the fast mode EUV wave. This stationary front is explained as mode conversion from the coronal Moreton wave to a slow-mode wave near a streamer.
In this paper we report on a long multi-wavelength observational campaign of the supergiant fast X-ray transient prototype IGR J17544-2619. A 150 ks-long observation was carried out simultaneously with XMM-Newton and NuSTAR, catching the source in an initial faint X-ray state and then undergoing a bright X-ray outburst lasting about 7 ks. We studied the spectral variability during outburst and quiescence by using a thermal and bulk Comptonization model that is typically adopted to describe the X-ray spectral energy distribution of young pulsars in high mass X-ray binaries. Although the statistics of the collected X-ray data were relatively high we could neither confirm the presence of a cyclotron line in the broad-band spectrum of the source (0.5-40 keV), nor detect any of the previously reported tentative detection of the source spin period. The monitoring carried out with Swift/XRT during the same orbit of the system observed by XMM-Newton and NuSTAR revealed that the source remained in a low emission state for most of the time, in agreement with the known property of all supergiant fast X-ray transients being significantly sub-luminous compared to other supergiant X-ray binaries. Optical and infrared observations were carried out for a total of a few thousands of seconds during the quiescence state of the source detected by XMM-Newton and NuSTAR. The measured optical and infrared magnitudes were slightly lower than previous values reported in the literature, but compatible with the known micro-variability of supergiant stars. UV observations obtained with the UVOT telescope on-board Swift did not reveal significant changes in the magnitude of the source in this energy domain compared to previously reported values.
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