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The Elongations and Supersonic Motions of Molecular Clouds

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 نشر من قبل Jin Koda
 تاريخ النشر 2005
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Jin Koda

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New 13CO data from the BU-FCRAO Milky Way Galactic Ring Survey (GRS) are analyzed to understand the shape and internal motions of molecular clouds. For a sample of more than five hundred molecular clouds, we find that they are preferentially elongated along the Galactic plane. On the other hand, their spin axes are randomly oriented. We therefore conclude that the elongation is not supported by internal spin but by internal velocity anisotropy. It has been known that some driving mechanisms are necessary to sustain the supersonic velocity dispersion within molecular clouds. The mechanism for generating the velocity dispersion must also account for the preferred elongation. This excludes some driving mechanisms, such as stellar winds and supernovae, because they do not produce the systemic elongation along the Galactic plane. Driving energy is more likely to come from large scale motions, such as the Galactic rotation.

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اقرأ أيضاً

Supersonic random motions are observed in dark clouds and are traditionally interpreted as Alfv{e}n waves, but the possibility that these motions are super-Alfvenic has not been ruled out. In this work we report the results of numerical experiments i n two opposite regimes: beta ~1 and beta << 1, where beta is the ratio of gas pressure and magnetic pressure: beta=P_g/P_m. Our results, combined with observational tests, show that the model with beta ~ 1 is consistent with the observed properties of molecular clouds, while the model with beta << 1 has several properties that are in conflict with the observations. We also find that both the density and the magnetic field in molecular clouds may be very intermittent. The statistical distributions of magnetic field and gas density are related by a power law, with an index that decreases with time. Magnetically dominated cores form early in the evolution, while later on the intermittency in the density field wins out.
We present high-resolution smoothed particle hydrodynamics simulations of a region of gas flowing in a spiral arm and identify dense gas clouds to investigate their kinematics with respect to a Milky Way model. We find that, on average, the gas in th e arms can have a net radial streaming motion of $v_R approx -9 ,mathrm{km/s}$ and rotate $approx 6 ,mathrm{km/s}$ slower than the circular velocity. This translates to average peculiar motions towards the Galaxy centre and opposite to Galactic rotation. These results may be sensitive to the assumed spiral arm perturbation, which is $approx 3%$ of the disc potential in our model. We compare the actual distance and the kinematic estimate and we find that streaming motions introduce systematic offsets of $approx 1$ kpc. We find that the distance error can be as large as $pm 2$ kpc and the recovered cloud positions have distributions that can extend significantly into the inter-arm regions. We conclude that this poses a difficulty in tracing spiral arm structure in molecular cloud surveys.
Jets and outflows from young stellar objects are proposed candidates to drive supersonic turbulence in molecular clouds. Here, we present the results from multi-dimensional jet simulations where we investigate in detail the energy and momentum deposi tion from jets into their surrounding environment and quantify the character of the excited turbulence with velocity probability density functions. Our study include jet--clump interaction, transient jets, and magnetised jets. We find that collimated supersonic jets do not excite supersonic motions far from the vicinity of the jet. Supersonic fluctuations are damped quickly and do not spread into the parent cloud. Instead subsonic, non-compressional modes occupy most of the excited volume. This is a generic feature which can not be fully circumvented by overdense jets or magnetic fields. Nevertheless, jets are able to leave strong imprints in their cloud structure and can disrupt dense clumps. Our results question the ability of collimated jets to sustain supersonic turbulence in molecular clouds.
The dynamics of molecular clouds is characterized by supersonic random motions in the presence of a magnetic field. We study this situation using numerical solutions of the three-dimensional compressible magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) equations in a regi me of highly supersonic random motions. The non-LTE radiative transfer calculations are performed through the complex density and velocity fields obtained as solutions of the MHD equations, and more than 5x10^5 synthetic molecular spectra are obtained. We use a numerical flow without gravity or external forcing. The flow is super-Alfvenic and corresponds to model A of Padoan and Nordlund (1997). Synthetic data consist of sets of 90x90 synthetic spectra with 60 velocity channels, in five molecular transitions: J=1-0 and J=2-1 for 12CO and 13CO, and J=1-0 for CS. Though we do not consider the effects of stellar radiation, gravity, or mechanical energy input from discrete sources, our models do contain the basic physics of magneto-fluid dynamics and non-LTE radiation transfer and are therefore more realistic than previous calculations. As a result, these synthetic maps and spectra bear a remarkable resemblance to the corresponding observations of real clouds.
160 - K. Tassis 2010
Recent observations of column densities in molecular clouds find lognormal distributions with power-law high-density tails. These results are often interpreted as indications that supersonic turbulence dominates the dynamics of the observed clouds. W e calculate and present the column-density distributions of three clouds, modeled with very different techniques, none of which is dominated by supersonic turbulence. The first star-forming cloud is simulated using smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH); in this case gravity, opposed only by thermal-pressure forces, drives the evolution. The second cloud is magnetically subcritical with subsonic turbulence, simulated using nonideal MHD; in this case the evolution is due to gravitationally-driven ambipolar diffusion. The third cloud is isothermal, self-gravitating, and has a smooth density distribution analytically approximated with a uniform inner region and an r^-2 profile at larger radii. We show that in all three cases the column-density distributions are lognormal. Power-law tails develop only at late times (or, in the case of the smooth analytic profile, for strongly centrally concentrated configurations), when gravity dominates all opposing forces. It therefore follows that lognormal column-density distributions are generic features of diverse model clouds, and should not be interpreted as being a consequence of supersonic turbulence.
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