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Supermeasured: Violating Statistical Independence without violating statistical independence

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 نشر من قبل Jonte Hance
 تاريخ النشر 2021
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Bells theorem is often said to imply that quantum mechanics violates local causality, and that local causality cannot be restored with a hidden-variables theory. This however is only correct if the hidden-variables theory fulfils an assumption called Statistical Independence. Violations of Statistical Independence are commonly interpreted as correlations between the measurement settings and the hidden variables (which determine the measurement outcomes). Such correlations have been discarded as finetuning or a conspiracy. We here point out that the common interpretation is at best physically ambiguous and at worst incorrect. The problem with the common interpretation is that Statistical Independence might be violated because of a non-trivial measure in state space, a possibility we propose to call supermeasured. We use Invariant Set Theory as an example of a supermeasured theory that violates the Statistical Independence assumption in Bells theorem without requiring correlations between hidden variables and measurement settings.

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اقرأ أيضاً

210 - Tim Palmer 2015
Invariant Set (IS) theory is a locally causal ontic theory of physics based on the Cosmological Invariant Set postulate that the universe $U$ can be considered a deterministic dynamical system evolving precisely on a (suitably constructed) fractal dy namically invariant set in $U$s state space. IS theory violates the Bell inequalities by violating Measurement Independence. Despite this, IS theory is not fine tuned, is not conspiratorial, does not constrain experimenter free will and does not invoke retrocausality. The reasons behind these claims are discussed in this paper. These arise from properties not found in conventional ontic models: the invariant set has zero measure in its Euclidean embedding space, has Cantor Set structure homeomorphic to the p-adic integers ($p ggg 0$) and is non-computable. In particular, it is shown that the p-adic metric encapulates the physics of the Cosmological Invariant Set postulate, and provides the technical means to demonstrate no fine tuning or conspiracy. Quantum theory can be viewed as the singular limit of IS theory when when $p$ is set equal to infinity. Since it is based around a top-down constraint from cosmology, IS theory suggests that gravitational and quantum physics will be unified by a gravitational theory of the quantum, rather than a quantum theory of gravity. Some implications arising from such a perspective are discussed.
Relying on some auxiliary assumptions, usually considered mild, Bells theorem proves that no local theory can reproduce all the predictions of quantum mechanics. In this work, we introduce a fully local, superdeterministic model that, by explicitly v iolating settings independence--one of these auxiliary assumptions, requiring statistical independence between measurement settings and systems to be measured--is able to reproduce all the predictions of quantum mechanics. Moreover, we show that, contrary to widespread expectations, our model can break settings independence without an initial state that is too complex to handle, without visibly losing all explanatory power and without outright nullifying all of experimental science. Still, we argue that our model is unnecessarily complicated and does not offer true advantages over its non-local competitors. We conclude that, while our model does not appear to be a viable contender to their non-local counterparts, it provides the ideal framework to advance the debate over violations of statistical independence via the superdeterministic route.
Presence of bias (in datasets or tasks) is inarguably one of the most critical challenges in machine learning applications that has alluded to pivotal debates in recent years. Such challenges range from spurious associations between variables in medi cal studies to the bias of race in gender or face recognition systems. Controlling for all types of biases in the dataset curation stage is cumbersome and sometimes impossible. The alternative is to use the available data and build models incorporating fair representation learning. In this paper, we propose such a model based on adversarial training with two competing objectives to learn features that have (1) maximum discriminative power with respect to the task and (2) minimal statistical mean dependence with the protected (bias) variable(s). Our approach does so by incorporating a new adversarial loss function that encourages a vanished correlation between the bias and the learned features. We apply our method to synthetic data, medical images (containing task bias), and a dataset for gender classification (containing dataset bias). Our results show that the learned features by our method not only result in superior prediction performance but also are unbiased. The code is available at https://github.com/QingyuZhao/BR-Net/.
We experimentally demonstrate, using qubits encoded in photon polarization, that if two parties share a single reference direction and use locally orthogonal measurements they will always violate a Bell inequality, up to experimental deficiencies. Th is contrasts with the standard view of Bell inequalities in which the parties need to share a complete reference frame for their measurements. Furthermore, we experimentally demonstrate that as the reference direction degrades the probability of violating a Bell inequality decreases smoothly to (39.7 +/- 0.1) % in the limiting case that the observers do not share a reference direction. This result promises simplified distribution of entanglement between separated parties, with applications in fundamental investigations of quantum physics and tasks such as quantum communication.
Certain fluctuations in particle number at fixed total energy lead exactly to a cut-power law distribution in the one-particle energy, via the induced fluctuations in the phase-space volume ratio. The temperature parameter is expressed automatically by an equipartition relation, while the q-parameter is related to the scaled variance and to the expectation value of the particle number. For the binomial distribution q is smaller, for the negative binomial q is larger than one. These results also represent an approximation for general particle number distributions in the reservoir up to second order in the canonical expansion. For general systems the average phase-space volume ratio expanded to second order delivers a q parameter related to the heat capacity and to the variance of the temperature. However, q differing from one leads to non-additivity of the Boltzmann-Gibbs entropy. We demonstrate that a deformed entropy, K(S), can be constructed and used for demanding additivity. This requirement leads to a second order differential equation for K(S). Finally, the generalized q-entropy formula contains the Tsallis, Renyi and Boltzmann-Gibbs-Shannon expressions as particular cases. For diverging temperature variance we obtain a novel entropy formula.
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