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Widespread Occurrence of High-Velocity Upflows in Solar Active Regions

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 نشر من قبل Stephanie Yardley
 تاريخ النشر 2021
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We performed a systematic study of 12 active regions (ARs) with a broad range of areas, magnetic flux and associated solar activity in order to determine whether there are upflows present at the AR boundaries and if these upflows exist, whether there is a high speed asymmetric blue wing component present in the upflows. To identify the presence and locations of the AR upflows we derive relative Doppler velocity maps by fitting a Gaussian function to {it Hinode}/EIS Fe XII 192.394,AA line profiles. To determine whether there is a high speed asymmetric component present in the AR upflows we fit a double Gaussian function to the Fe XII 192.394,AA mean spectrum that is computed in a region of interest situated in the AR upflows. Upflows are observed at both the east and west boundaries of all ARs in our sample with average upflow velocities ranging between -5 to -26~km s$^{-1}$. A blue wing asymmetry is present in every line profile. The intensity ratio between the minor high speed asymmetric Gaussian component compared to the main component is relatively small for the majority of regions however, in a minority of cases (8/30) the ratios are large and range between 20 to 56~%. These results suggest that upflows and the high speed asymmetric blue wing component are a common feature of all ARs.

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اقرأ أيضاً

151 - S. Kamio , H. Peter , W. Curdt 2011
We present a study of the temporal evolution of coronal loops in active regions and its implications for the dynamics in coronal loops. We analyzed images of the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) on the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) at multiple t emperatures to detect apparent motions in the coronal loops. Quasi-periodic brightness fluctuations propagate upwards from the loop footpoint in hot emission at 1MK, while sporadic downflows are seen in cool emission below 1MK. The upward motion in hot emission increases just after the cool downflows. The apparent propagating pattern suggests a hot upflow from the loop footpoints, and is considered to supply hot plasma into the coronal loop, but a wavelike phenomenon cannot be ruled out. Coronal condensation occasionally happens in the coronal loop, and the cool material flows down to the footpoint. Emission from cool plasma could have a significant contribution to hot AIA channels in the event of coronal condensation.
The recent analysis of observations taken with the EIS instrument on Hinode suggests that well constrained measurements of the temperature distribution in solar active regions can finally be made. Such measurements are critical for constraining theor ies of coronal heating. Past analysis, however, has suffered from limited sample sizes and large uncertainties at temperatures between 5 and 10 MK. Here we present a systematic study of the differential emission cores. We focus on measurements in the inter-moss region, that is, the region between the loop footpoints, where the observations are easier to interpret. To reduce the uncertainties at the highest temperatures we present a new method for isolating the Fe XVIII emission in the AIA/SDO 94 channel. The resulting differential emission measure distributions confirm our previous analysis showing that the temperature distribution in an active region core is often strongly peaked near 4 MK. We characterize the properties of the emission distribution as a function of the total unsigned magnetic flux. We find that the amount of high temperature emission in the active region core is correlated with the total unsigned magnetic flux, while the emission at lower temperatures, in contrast, is inversely related. These results provide compelling evidence that high temperature active region emission is often close to equilibrium, although weaker active regions may be dominated by evolving million degree loops in the core.
Spectroscopic observations at extreme and far ultraviolet wavelengths have revealed systematic upflows in the solar transition region and corona. These upflows are best seen in the network structures of the quiet Sun and coronal holes, boundaries of active regions, and dimming regions associated with coronal mass ejections. They have been intensively studied in the past two decades because they are highly likely to be closely related to the formation of the solar wind and heating of the upper solar atmosphere. We present an overview of the characteristics of these upflows, introduce their possible formation mechanisms, and discuss their potential roles in the mass and energy transport in the solar atmosphere. Though past investigations have greatly improved our understanding of these upflows, they have left us with several outstanding questions and unresolved issues that should be addressed in the future. New observations from the Solar Orbiter mission, the Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope and the Parker Solar Probe will likely provide critical information to advance our understanding of the generation, propagation and energization of these upflows.
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