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The analytic structures of scattering amplitudes in gauge theory and gravity are examined on the celestial sphere. The celestial amplitudes in the two theories - computed by employing a regulated Mellin transform - can be compared at low multiplicity. It is established by direct computation that up to five external particles, the double copy relations of Kawai, Lewellen and Tye continue to hold identically, modulo certain multiplicative factors which are explicitly determined. Supersymmetric representations of the amplitudes are utilized throughout, manifesting the double copy structure between $mathcal{N}=4$ super Yang-Mills and $mathcal{N}=8$ supergravity on the celestial sphere.
We study the effect of loop corrections to conformal correlators on the celestial sphere at null infinity. We first analyze finite one-loop celestial amplitudes in pure Yang-Mills theory and Einstein gravity. We then turn to our main focus: infrared
We present the gravity dual of large N supersymmetric gauge theories on a squashed five-sphere. The one-parameter family of solutions is constructed in Euclidean Romans F(4) gauged supergravity in six dimensions, and uplifts to massive type IIA super
Celestial amplitudes represent 4D scattering of particles in boost, rather than the usual energy-momentum, eigenstates and hence are sensitive to both UV and IR physics. We show that known UV and IR properties of quantum gravity translate into powerf
Celestial and momentum space amplitudes for massless particles are related to each other by a change of basis provided by the Mellin transform. Therefore properties of celestial amplitudes have counterparts in momentum space amplitudes and vice versa
On-shell methods have revitalized interest in scattering amplitudes which have, in turn, shed some much needed light on the structure of quantum field theories. These developments have been warmly embraced by the particle physics community. Less so i