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Long-Term Near-Infrared Brightening of Non-Variable OH/IR Stars

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 نشر من قبل Takafumi Kamizuka
 تاريخ النشر 2020
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Takafumi Kamizuka

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Non-variable OH/IR stars are thought to have just left the asymptotic giant branch (AGB) phase. In this conventional picture, they must still show strong circumstellar extinction caused by the dust ejected during the AGB phase, and the extinction is expected to decrease over time because of the dispersal of the circumstellar dust after the cessation of the stellar mass loss. The reduction of the extinction makes the stars become apparently brighter and bluer with time especially in the near-infrared (NIR) range. We look for such long-term brightening of non-variable OH/IR stars by using 2MASS, UKIDSS, and OAOWFC survey data. As a result, we get multi-epoch NIR data taken over a 20-year period (1997-2017) for 6 of 16 non-variable OH/IR stars, and all six objects are found to be brightening. The K-band brightening rate of five objects ranges from 0.010 to 0.130 mag yr$^{-1}$, which is reasonably explained with the conventional picture. However, one OH/IR star, OH31.0-0.2, shows a rapid brightening, which cannot be explained only by the dispersal of the dust shell. Multi-color (J-, H-, and K-band) data are obtained for three objects, OH25.1-0.3, OH53.6-0.2, and OH77.9+0.2. Surprisingly, none of them appears to have become bluer, and OH53.6-0.2 is found to have been reddened with a rate of 0.013 mag yr$^{-1}$ in (J-K). Our findings suggest other mechanisms such as rapid changes in stellar properties (temperature or luminosity) or a generation of a new batch of dust grains.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

A search for the near-infrared water-ice absorption band was made in a number of very red OH/IR stars which are known to exhibit the 10um silicate absorption. As a by-product, accurate positions of these highly reddened objects are obtained. We deriv ed a dust mass loss rate for each object by modelling the spectral energy distribution and the gas mass loss rate by solving the equation of motion for the dust drag wind. The derived mass loss rates show a strong correlation with the silicate optical depth as well as that of the water-ice. The stars have a high mass loss rate (> 1.0E-4 Msun/yr) with an average gas-to-dust mass ratio of 110. In objects which show the 3.1um water-ice absorption, the near-IR slope is much steeper than those with no water-ice. Comparison between our calculated mass loss rates and those derived from OH and CO observations indicates that these stars have recently increased their mass loss rates.
231 - Scott J. Wolk , Thomas S. Rice , 2013
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117 - P. Lira , P. Arevalo , P. Uttley 2011
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